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Old 09-11-2017, 02:57 PM   #144 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Dora had slipped back into her seat just before Healer Reed began to speak... okay cool. So she wasn't late. Setting the bucket and leaves down Dora squinted at the blackboard a bit. Hmmm. She wasn't sure what the potion was, but Char was right about the healing and restorative properties of the plants and such. Hmmmm. It could be a number of things, really. But because her cousin was here, she did NOT want to say anything wrong... so she opted to stay quiet. But if the potion had dittany, then she was sure it was a healing potion of some sort.

Could it heal a broken heart, she wondered? That would be handy. He could make a KILLING with a potion like that. Or... she could. Project time!

HAving shadowed a few of the kids around the castle to collect their missing ingredients, Addy was... something. Unimpressed?
Worried? Irritated? Understanding? Trying to be cool? All of those things.
She GOT it. The want to make the lesson fun, but really. She felt like...well,
she felt a lot of things. And it was doing her no good if she kept it to herself right now. Having put her quick quotes quill away, the blonde lady grabbed a fancy looking quill from her bag now and unrolled the official Goverbors parchment with a sigh.

Contrary to popular belief, she just wanted these kids to get a great education, not knock the professors... or healers. But it was her duty to be honest and merciless. With those thoughts in her mind, she began to scribble on the parchment.

Text Cut: BoG Observation Form


Observer: Who is observing the lesson?
Jacklyn "Addy" Hutchinson
Professor: Who is teaching the lesson?
Healer River Reed
Subject: What subject does this lesson fall under?
Topic: What is the concept students will learn about over the course of this lesson?

How to brew a potion of undetermined origin.
Objective: What are the 1 or 2 student learning objectives/goals that will be measured in this lesson?

Launch: How does the professor get the lesson started? What technique(s) did he/she use to engage students?
I understand that the Healer wanted to do something "fun" to start the lesson... but I found it a bit careless. He set up a scavenger hunt for them all to find fireseeds, stargrass, and Betony leaves. While I think it is a neat idea, I think that the likelihood of injury or contamination was too great. I have yet to see one student wash their hands since they came in. They have all gone to their workstations and thus contaminated all of their equipment.

Waiting to see if the Healer has them wash up since he had them do it before they left the room.

Instruction: How do diverse students engage with ideas/texts to develop their own understanding; what guiding questions does the professor ask; how is the professor promoting question generation/discussion; what activities are the students performing? In short, outline the lesson as you observe it.
-Starts lesson by directing them to leave the room to discover missing ingredients
-Has asked them all what kind of potion they think they might be brewing today after giving them a list of ingredients.
-Seems to be encouraging free thinking.
Closure: How does the professor bring closure to the lesson?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Glows: What are 1-3 areas that the professor did well as observed in this lesson?
Grows: What are 1-3 areas that the professor can improve on in the future?

Last edited by Erindipity; 09-12-2017 at 01:02 AM. Reason: grabbing coding...
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