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Old 09-10-2017, 07:31 PM   #15 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
Sam gave a little frown. "Can't guarantee it, but we'll try not to be in yeh face 'bout it." She knew things might be a little weird this Christmas holidays, making sure everyone got their fair share of everyone else. And that included Robin. He'd seemed a little put out before she'd caught the train, like he somehow thought the Umbridges were claiming her as their own, and she was neglecting him. Sigh. Regardless, Dora couldn't complain too much about mushiness - she was sure she'd had to put up with the Gryffindor and Casper on more than one occasion.

"Japan...India...Bali?" Sam gave a wry smile, pretty sure it was one of the above. "S'okay. You did what yeh had to do...although an owl mighta been nice. Just promise me some of the ride home, yeah?" Hopefully angry Slytherins wouldn't be after her for that ride, and she could enjoy their last one together in peace.
It was DIFFERENT now that it was her brother, though. Her twin brother. A different version of herself. How weird...

Anyway. "Sneaking around to be together might be fun. You should try that." She was only being like a quarter way serious. Honestly. She didn't mind them so much. It was what she had fought for, wasn't it? For the two most important people in her life to be happy and together. Yes indeed.

"And Durmstrang. That's where I was last. And Al came to India to find me. He is an idiot." HUFF. Dora pulled her blanket up over her lap and sighed too. "But yeah, I am sorry. I just needed to be away. I got to shadow Mohammed Sanhoun in the ICW and went to work with Grandpa Charles at the Japanese Ministry. It was great." And she had been away and thinking and just alone.

"I will definitely be with you on the ride home. My final train ride. I couldn't miss that." Although, she had missed one final thing already. Ha.
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