SPOILER!!: Cami!
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Bonsai wasn't going to pass up a good petting such as this one. To show his playful happiness he wrapped his front boys around Remy's hand nuzzling his head against it. "Most animals know when you like them, Bonsai here seems to know you're good with them." Hence his silly behavior and overly friendly reaction to being petted.
Camilla nodded listening glad to hear that he understood there was no way he would be transforming before the term was through. As long as he knew this right from the start they could move on easily. "Six years seems a little on the long side but seeing as to how you said she accomplished this completely on her own that is understandable. Depending on a persons age and level of magical abilities as well as several other uncontrollable factors the average is usually around three years." This was based off of when she typically began training as most began in their fifth year and on occasion a fourth year. "Having some that knows and understands the process is always helpful, for sure." Should he do well enough this term she would gladly continue to assist him in his training even after he graduated.
Picking up her mug of tea and taking a sip she quickly set it down making a face and pulling out her wand. Cold. Her tea... was cold. Aiming her wand at the cup she cast a simple non-verbal heating charm. Slipping the wand back into it's holster she picked cup up again sipping the much warm liquid. Much better. "Would you like some tea or juice?" They could be here awhile talking. "This is good. Outstandings are needed for this sort of training. Potions brewing is going to come in handy for a good deal of the training as well as transfiguration, you need to be both mentally and physically prepared." Hearing that he wanted to work in Healing was nice and she smiled. "Have you spoke to Healer Reed about that? I'm sure he would be able to assist you in all that you would need to do."
So he was doing this for himself and not for some silly reason. "Not being able to cast a corporeal patronus isn't a problem. It would however give you a pretty good idea as to what your form would be beforehand." There were the rare few where their patronus and animagus forms were different. "Let's talk a little bit about the training and becoming an animagi. What do you know so far?" It was a huge change in exercise and eating habits for many, a ton of reading and a lot of written essays, potion brewing and consuming and a lot of time taken up for this.
Remy chuckled as Bonsai’s paws wrapped around his wrist and he happily kept petting the beautiful Bengal.
”Would he like to sit on my lap and get petted? Or does he prefer to have his space and all the pets?” Cause that was a thing. Sha’s cat only liked to let you pet her if she wanted it - as soon as you tried to move her, she was off and would hiss at you as she went. Nope, he knew animals could be temperamental. His fingers kept tickling under Bonsai’s chin though as he waited for an answer from the Professor.
Remy nodded.
”She did it around the end of Hogwarts, and around studying at University. So I guess she maybe wasn’t as strict with her training? I’m not sure… I just know she managed.” He gave the professor a smile.
”I’m hoping between yourself this year, and her next year .. I should be able to do it along with my own studying and training.” He was no stranger to training or keeping some kind of schedule. He’d been doing that for years now, with his Uncle’s help.
And then Remy laughed. He recognised that instant
nope that came with drinking cold tea or coffee. He did have the good grace to look apologetic though… it wasn’t nice to laugh at someone else’s misfortune.
”Tea please, thank you.” Might as well take her up on the offer. It would be rude not too. Heh. He nodded along as he listened to her talking.
”Thank you.” He thought he was physically prepared, he trained daily after all… Mentally… That might take some time - but he had time.
”Yeah, I spoke to him after I got my OWL results, and I was working with him last year in the Hospital Wing. I’m going to go and speak to him either later today or tomorrow and make sure I can help out this year again.” It would look good on his University application… Yes, yes it would.
”Unfortunately, not that much.” Honesty was the best policy, and it would save him looking like an idiot.
”I know that you need to practice turning into various animals and a lot of animagi’ have found it helpful to write down their findings as they go so they can see their journal and reflect on it when they are in human form…” He paused and ticked Bonsai again.
”I am almost positive that the potion required has a lot of steps, and the potions ingredients are very advanced. I think I read something about it depending on a storm? So it could take forever to make?” That...seemed intriguing and amazing and so cool.