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Old 09-09-2017, 02:54 AM   #12 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bennett Potter
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Atlas Ward
First Year
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SPOILER!!: Hirsch <3
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
Did Hirsch notice the change in tune? Not at all. And it wasn't exactly what he was focusing on now that Remy had noticed he was right next to him and talking to him. He knew what he needed to ask and the conversation would, inevitably, steer itself towards the question but right now, he didn't mind focusing on tunes and laughs and.....

....... piggyback rides?

The Hufflepuff's words earned him a chuckle in return. "I guess that's the price you pay for being much taller than they are." Seeing as he had nieces who always wanted piggyback rides and facepaints and trips to the zoo, he knew how the boy felt. "How are they, by the way? Have they told you how proud they are of you?" Though, on second thought, would the siblings be allowed to know what Remy had gotten up to over the summer?

Remy’s easy grin lit up his face as he grinned at the Professor’s statement. ”Between my height and my age, they really do just like to climb all over me.” He chuckled. Between the twins who were nearing three, and his biological cousins who were five and six months old - he was used to being a winged horse and a climbing frame, a chair and a dragon. Anything their little minds could think up admittedly, and the were never short of brilliant ideas.

”The twins are great. Right in the middle of the terrible twos, and according to Dad they are about four times worse than I was..” Which, if he was honest with himself, amused him greatly… considering how much his parents had liked to remind him of his tantrums over the years. ”But my theory is that they bounce off each other and make every worse like a snowball hurtling down a mountain.”

The Hufflepuff chuckled again, before shaking his head in response. ”No, they haven’t… well, not specifically in relation to my fighting at least. He paused, looking back to his uncle’s best friend. ”We simply told them I won a competition.. I didn’t want to upset them. They seemed to love that I won though…. I got an amazing drawing as a gift from Gwyn as a result at least.” They wide smile on his face, showed just how much he loved the scribbled picture that his little sister had gifted him.
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