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Old 09-08-2017, 11:41 AM   #5 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mackenzie Alistaire Mordaunt
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Yoji Christopher Reed
First Year
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Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post

"Your assumption would be right." The Slytherin gave a little smile and took a seat, assuming that was okay. She patted her knees, a gesture she hoped would beckon the dogs closer, and glanced up at Healer Reed. "I used to want to play Quidditch professionally like my cousin, Hassan, but ever since my ja-my grandfather, I've been thinking about healing..." Because watching the former professor and headmaster forget the things most important to him had broken her heart and she didn't want anyone else that she loved to have to experience that ever. "I miss him. I think he'd be proud of me...for wanting to help others." He was the kind of man who did this all the time when he was alive, so it seemed a logical conclusion.

"What would I need to do? I mean, for my O.W.L.s and classes. How would I go about this? How did you?"
River nodded with a grin as he sidestepped to allow Roscoe and Bumi to approach Junia. Roscoe was quick to put his head on her lap, and Bumi was content to rest his head on her feet and continue his nap.

"The fact that you want to be of help, is enough for your grandfather to be proud. I'm sure of it." River sat in his chair and folded his hands on top of his desk as he urged Ms Botros to continue. Each and every student that came for his advice had a different reason as to why they wanted to become Healers. Some were curious about life itself, the others wanted more challenge simply because they are too smart for their own good, but it was rare to find a person so young who'd sacrifice so much time studying just to help other people in the future. River felt honored to come across such soul today.

"First and foremost, you need to have an excellent academic credential, starting with your O.W.L.s. You have to have an 'EE' grade in Potions, Herbology, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Transfiguration. If you can manage to get more than five OWLs, the better." River sat back and tapped his table in thought, "It would also be beneficial to you if you start learning Healing magic early on, to help you with your NEWTs. It's what I did at least." he said in a thoughtful tone, trying to remember what he did years ago. "Also, I think it's only fair to mention that I've offered Mr Levi Kenning and Torrance Spades to assist me here in the Hospital Wing during their free time. I wouldn't mind if you wish to join us." River continued, tilting his head to the side grinning. The two had been a bad mix when he called them that one time. They managed to pull through, however, it didn't save River from the Gryffindor drama in the end.

"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio
Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
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