Originally Posted by
Kolyander Soooooo I really want to play with ALL the students and staffers and do all the things this term. Which can only mean napping anyone that may still want to play... *May have gone back a few days in chat*
Me! If you're still taking more rps
*Raises hand*
Ahem. Cami says us
*Raises hand*
Yes please
Hi! Us!
*Waves* I do!
*Holds up hand*
If you're still looking for people to play I will XD
I do if you want!
I would!
Hadleigh Paton says she wants a reply OR a new rp with her husband LOL <3
Me! Me!
Hi! Me!
If I missed anyone I'm sorry! If anyone wants to play with Cami just let me know... If those of you above have to many rps going on or just don't want Cami right now that's fine by us XD
I can try to fit you in.
I'm open pretty much everywhere, aside from the library and the Gryffie CR.