Join Date: Jan 2010 Location: Pawnee
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Brooks Robertser Gryffindor Fourth Year | Ern's Walmart Greeter P O S E Y__H A R P E R__H I G G I N S B A S I C S Nicknames - Poseypop, Princess Posey, Higgs, Date of Birth - May 3rd, 2082 Star Sign - Taurus Place of Birth - london Residence - Hampstead, London Social standing - middle class but has no magical money that she’s aware of Relationship status - N/A Languages spoken - English Allergies - none Medical issues - none Family tree - n/a pets - family golden retriever/labrador mix named Doug A P P E A R A N C E Hair - honey blond Eyes - blue with a hint of green Skin tone - pale with pink/salmon undertones Skin imperfections - newer scars on her knees from tripping over things as she runs Tattoos - none Piercings - both lobes. Build - slightly longer legs than the average 11 year old and toned due to running Height - 5’2 and still growing Ethnicity - unknown Style - “what my mum bought for me” chic Face claim(s) - Madison Wolfe & TBD I N T E R A C T I O N S__&__R E L A T I O N S H I P S Eleanor Higgins née Quimby [mother] - Stay at home mum who occasionally sets apartments and houses for open houses in realty. Overbearing and overprotective. Subconsciously favors Jesse and over-parents him to the point of him not being able to function properly on his own. Born a squib into a magical family, knows how confused Posey must be but can’t properly relate. Upset by once again being surrounded by magic but not being able to perform any herself. William Higgins [father] - Second closest with Posey. Project manager of his buddy’s construction site. Concerned with what’s happening to her and doesn’t know how to properly help her or relate to the things she’s dealing with currently. Jesse Higgins [brother] - The closest person to Posey. Two years older. Non-magical. Awkward and shy, very in his shell and in his head. Has trouble making friends, Posey being his only friend currently. Has no idea what he’s going to do with her being gone. She’s very protective over him, even from their mother. P E R S O N A L I T Y
Not quite quiet, but not quite social either, Posey likes observing people and keeping those she considers friends close, no matter how few of those there are. She’s fiercely protective of those she does care about, going so far as to write people off just because her friends don’t like them. When offered friendship, she can be skeptical, as she doesn’t believe that anything is that easy; everything has to be worked for. She’s also a firm believer in the idea that being friends with someone isn’t about how long you’ve been friends with them, but rather who was there when it counted. Not that she’s really had many to test this on. Once you’ve passed the friendship test you’ll be greeted with a high energy, playful goof of a girl. She can be seen leaping onto people’s backs (and fronts), climbing things she probably shouldn’t, and annoying you until you pay her some proper attention. It probably doesn’t help that she has extra long legs. Oops. She’s also a big fan of playful repetitive arm punches. Good luck.
You ought to mind your grubby fingers when Posey has sweets on her lap for she won’t hesitate to break them. If there’s anything that will put you on Posey’s radar, it’s colorful sweets. But more importantly, doughnuts. That’s probably the easiest way to her heart. Views self - She thinks of herself as a good person. Maybe not the best person in a sea of people but a decent one. She won’t go out of her way to comfort a stranger who’s sad, however, she will stick up for someone who needs it. Views others - Skeptical of most. Seeing how most people treated her brother at school has her very vary of other children in general. She thinks of most people as bratty bullies until proven otherwise. Likes - track running, pizza, doughnuts, all the junk food, breakfast foods, disney, making comic strips about her life & experiences, bears, sloths, bats Dislikes - anything green, staying still for too long, people who are too peppy, reading, being magical (so far), not being close to her brother Habits - routine morning runs, refusal to skip breakfast, cuticle gnawing Beliefs - great things come with hard work, Fears - Magic, the unknown, the dark Aspirations - wanted to be a crossing guard as a child and then that morphed into a police officer Strengths - all things muggle, staying focused, running Weaknesses - sitting still for too long, Favorites - doughnuts, the color orange, sloths, pop music, H I S T O R Y
Eleanor and Jessie Higgins met through mutual friends when they were nearly twenty years old. It was soon after that the two were engaged, married, and on their way to giving birth to their first child, Jesse. Overjoyed and smitten with their little boy, the couple began trying again for another child. A little over two years later, Posey was born. Growing up, Posey developed a very close bond with her shy brother, but somehow always felt different from the rest of her family. The only blonde in a family of four, Posey felt as though something were off but… never fully made any sort of real connection behind it. Her papa always told her it was because she was so special and so full of warmth, it turned her hair yellow like a sunflower. Growing up, Posey always had high energy for her family, jumping around like a little bean, climbing on people and things, she could hardly sit still.
As she grew, she noticed the way people treated her brother. They teased him and poked fun of him and pushed him around and Posey would have none of it. She pushed the older kids and kicked them in the shin quickly being labeled as a problem child by other parents and even her own mother. However, she never did it to anyone who wasn’t mean to her brother or any other kid, it was just that the parents never seemed to catch anyone else do anything wrong, so she was always stuck with the blame. She never minded though. As long as she knew what she was doing and her brother was okay, she couldn’t be bothered by what everyone else thought. With the exception of her mother.
Around the age of four, Posey was playing with her brother and a young girl and her friends approached the two of them. The young girl with poked fun at her brother while the other girls laughed. Posey put her arm around Jesse and told him to ignore the girls but they persisted. An anger rose in Posey that she had never quite felt before. The other girl was laughing one minute and the next moment, her ears stretched out in a strange way and all that came out of her mouth were loud moos. S C H O O L__Y E A R S
Coming soon W I T C H__F A C T S Blood Status - Muggleborn. Wand - 11 3/4 inch rather firm Beech with Phoenix Feather Patronus - n/a Boggart - n/a Amortentia - n/a School - Hogwarts Current year - First House - Hufflepuff Electives - n/a
Post color - #F88158
__________________ back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________  _____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine __________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e |