PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): Philippa's mind whizzed and whirred as she watched everyone around her, young and old, and was absolutely determined to learn as much as she could as quickly as possible. Information is power, Dad always said, and she wanted to know everything so that all the older students would think she was cool. If the older students thought she was cool, then she'd officially be the most powerful first year in Slytherin.
How wonderful! She'd be the best dressed and the most powerful. She wasn't exactly sure what she'd use all this power for, but she definitely knew she wanted it. Like the power of a great smile, and the power of a good runway talk, Philippa wanted the power of a first year Slytherin. "Thank you very much Sir Baron!" she bowed her head, the same way she bowed when she went to all the fancy family events in Germany. All the von Brandts bowed and curtsied. It was a family tradition! "I'm very excited to be a Slytherin sir." She smiled sweetly at him and added a slight eyelash batting that got her attention all the time. The epitome of cuteness!
Oh, a male prefect! He was important too, yes he was. Philippa shot him another famous bright smile. "Hello Oliver, my name is Philippa von Brandt!" And he's definitely going to remember her, because she was going to talk to him a lot. Throughout the term. All the time. Yes. His eyes were so dreamy, so deep. Almost like hers!
Then Philippa officially melted because an older girl was talking to her! "Thank you very much!" Philippa beamed, and immediately checked that her hair was all still in its place. How embarrassing if it wasn't! Very un-Philippa-like. She took the opportunity to also check that her collar was straight and her skirt was smoothed down. "You have such a pretty name, Ms. Felicity!" Because she did. And she was very beautiful too, but Philippa didn't really tell girls that they're pretty. Only under very special circumstances.
The Slytherin girl prefect's name was Vivian and Philippa was so excited she almost swooned. Instead, she kept her composure like Papa had always taught her to do, like that one time they walked by ALEC SUMMERS and Philippa had wanted to run up to him and bite his arm because she loved him that much, but Papa explained that they always needed to keep their composure and act cool. Acting cool was super important. "Thank you very much Ms. Vivian!" she beamed at her the same way she smiled at Oliver the male prefect, and then turned the same smile at another older girl, a Skylar. "And thank you very much as well Ms. Skylar Diggory! I''m very happy to be a Slytherin, like my Papa." That last part was addressed to the group at large, because Philippa believed in sharing information.
She knew that surname. She'd heard it before. Perhaps Skylar was extremely important! She'd have to be friends with her too. So many friends and so soon! Philippa was having the best night already.
Oh, and she'd say hello to the other first years later. They weren't that important right now. And food wasn't that important either because she'd ate like her Papa and Dad had told her, so she wasn't starving like everyone else seemed to be. She felt sorry for that boy with the food, eating all alone like that. He probably had food allergies or something. Poor guy. She will say hi to him soon to make him feel better.
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____  _____________I could still change the end |