Thread: Slytherin Table
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Old 09-03-2017, 04:23 PM   #31 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jacoby Rivers
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Callista Rivers
Second Year
Default Felicity, Vivian, Junia, Bloody Baron, Oliver, and/or anyone else
Stealthy Ninja Queen | Snake For Life | waddling baker | binge royalty ♚

SPOILER!!: Felicity, Vivian, Junia, Bloody Baron, Oliver
Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
This entire badge thing still needed some getting used to, though Vivian felt she needed to up her game. She was prefect, for Merlin's sake, and this wasn't how a student leader acted. Besides, this blonde normally never acted this way. It must be something about being a teenager, hmm.

Wait, what? Looked so grown? Vivian was quite taken aback by the use of the term. Eh, perhaps that wasn't a bad thing? After all, the blonde did want to feel a little more mature, so this must be a good first step towards that route. She smiled at Julie, taking it on a positive note. "Thank you, I guess. You look great, as usual," the prefect replied with a wink. Honestly, weren't all Slytherins stunning? "How was your summer?" She, too, noticed two other Slytherins, Teddy and Cameron, and so the pair received smiles from the blonde as they arrived.

... Aww, look at that little one! Vivian couldn't help but sympathise for him. "Hey there!" The prefect greeted him (Kei) with a smile. "What's up? Are you feeling okay?" The kid looked like he wanted the floor to eat him alive. Was he scared or something? Ickle Vivian wouldn't have known what it felt to be anxious around people, since she was obviously a loud extrovert as a child, but she didn't want to make him feel lonely!

And then that other kid -- Carden, Vivian believed -- had an entire MEAL in front of him. Honestly, Vivian was amused and so she smiled at him and sort of let him carry on. If he was starving, she might as well just like him eat up. Sorry, but this Fairfield wasn't going to allow any hungry kid to faint tonight. Nope, not on her first day of prefect duty. The hyper kid (Kyle) got an enthusiastic smile right back. "Hello!" Enthusiasm was contagious, okay?

But the newly-sorted Slytherins got special attention! Did they know Vivian adored young ones? All of them were now considered ickles for the blonde. "Welcome to Slytherin, guys!" The prefect said to the two ickles (Patrick and Ryder). "I'm Vivian!" And can I please adopt you both as my ickles? Pretty please?

You know what scared Vivian more than anything? Being called by her FULL NAME. And the blonde definitely knew who that came from, definitely not her mum. The tone and the voice obviously came from no other than the bestie. Blinking, the prefect turned around to face Skylar and offered a sheepish grin at the brunette. "Hey, Sky! Did you know it's nice to see you again?" Mhm, it definitely was! But being addressed to as VIP in front of everyone present made her turn slightly pink. Again. "Yeah, uh... sorry. But, on the happier note, I'm still in one piece!" No bruises or anything! Vivian Fairfield was safe. Hopefully, that made Sky feel a wee bit better because the blonde totally did not want to be full named again. And was that Junia's little brother? Vivian smiled as Abey approached. "Hey!" she said. "Junia's not here yet, but she's probably coming in a while." Probably with her boyfriend or Astrea, but well... still coming in a few, she hoped.

But thank you, Merlin, for bringing Liss so Vivian could direct her attention elsewhere. "Hi, Liss!" The prefect greeted. She hadn't been able to sit with her at the train ride, sadly, but she gladly offered a seat beside her now for the feast. And yes, Vivian definitely noticed how she obviously praised that Carden boy for bringing food. "Yeah, me too." Could the speech hurry up now? She didn't want to become a fainting prefect tonight, not at all.

... Goodness. First, Vivian got called out by Skylar and, now, the Bloody Baron was here! Merlin, this was a rather eventful first night back at Hogwarts, and dinner wasn't even here yet! "Good evening, Sir Baron!" She offered her best smile at their house ghost. Oh, so he was concerned with the Carden boy and his food? Err, well, Vivian honestly didn't mind. "He's probably already hungry, sir. We wouldn't want fainting Slytherins on the first night back, do we?" Right? But, you know, to change the subject as Vivian didn't want to be called out for doing nothing but being sympathetic tonight. "How have you been, sir?"
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Have no fear, Junia Botros was here. Yes, it'd taken a bit longer than usual, but the boyfriend was very cute and very hard to say goodbye to-even if the distance was only just across the great hall.

Keen eyes that looked more green today than blue scanned the table in search of Junia's people and her lips quirked suddenly at the sight of them. Abey in particularly was a welcome sight, as the fifth year's nerves over Alanna and Aaron's arrival at Hogwarts had her slightly on edge. She was doing her best to hide it, but she could be transparent around him. "Waiting for someone in particular?" The brunette settled down beside him and stole his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze as her gaze followed his to the sorting ceremony. "They'll be okay. I mean, we're okay and we went through it. They'll get through it, too. It'll be fine." It would be, wouldn't it?

Deep breaths, Junia. Merlin.

The roommates were here and they received a wink and a wave from the Botros girl whose attention had shifted to those around her. Vivian had fallen into the role of prefect nicely, it seemed, and while Junia felt that familiar twinge of jealousy, she was proud that her friend was succeeding. If someone else was going to get the honor, at least it was someone she enjoyed and not someone completely awful.

The newest additions to Slytherin house received a semi-cheerful "Welcome," and a smile. If she had her way, her youngest siblings would soon be joining this small group so that she could look after them properly, as big sisters were meant to do. The younger returning snakes also received a smile, though she refrained from asking about their summers, as it seemed redundant and surely she’d overhear the information as the feast went on.

Junia had been so lost in thought that she almost didn't notice the interaction between the Bloody Baron, Maxton, and Vivian. Huh, bringing your own meal to the feast.. She'd seen snacks smuggled in before, but not a full meal. Was that gravy? She wasn't sure she agreed with the whole genius proclamation. A genius might have been a bit more stealthy with the whole thing. ”Great, now I’m even more hungry than I was before,” She said quietly to Abey with a sigh. Actually, she’d been too nervous to be hungry before now, so thank you, Maxton, for making her notice the slowly growing grumble in her stomach. ”I hope the speech is a short one.”

Eyes back on the twins, the brunette propped her chin on her hand and waited.
Originally Posted by Bloody Baron View Post
Ah, a newly sorted boy that knew how to behave and yet he failed to supply his name. Hrrumpf! What was it with these youngsters? Turning his black eyes on the 11 year old (Patrick) again his bloodiness demanded. "What's your name, young man?"

The loudly squeaking and crying boy (Kei) earned himself a very disapproving look from the Baron. "What's up with you? Have you never seen a ghost before?" Sheesh, and he was sorted into his house.........

Resolutely turning his back on the second year whimp boy the spectre turned his attention to Miss Bellaire. Now that was a girl that could always hold her tongue. "Evening Ms Julie! My summer was like all other summers. How was your summer?" The last was forced out because niceness was not natural. He forced it out which deepend his grumpy mood.

Playing around with his sword the Baron's attention was on the sorting as a Carter youth was sorted into his pristine and noble house. Sheathing his sword as the boy (Ryder) claimed a seat in his floating vincity his bloodiness grunted out a grumpy huff. "Welcome to Slytherin, young master Carter!"

Attention swaying to Prefect Vivian again as she stuck up for a hungry kid. Sulking the Baron grunted. "Fine, young Maxton can eat his food, but he is your responsibility if the house elves see him and complain vigorously to Ms. Vance!" The Baron was not letting the prefect off that easily. Giving out a loud sulky sigh he floated closer to Vivian almost right up to her face as he grumbled loudly. "I've been miserable! The Friar has been following me around all summer like a leech. I hate it." Ugh. He had almost been worse than Peeves.

Floating sideways slightly his bloodiness was peering over at the Ravenclaw Table for a sight of his dear Ladyship when a girl (Philippa) slid into the seat in front of him and effectively blocked his line of sight. And to make matters worse the girl addressed him! He opened and closed his mouth several times before he huffed out grumpily."Welcome to Slytherin, Ms Von Brandt!"
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
The Baron’s appearance startled Felicity, who was decidedly going to take longer than a year to get used to the presence of the weird ghosts. She was about to reply to his question, but it seemed that he’d already moved on and noticed the kid with the food, so instead she just pulled a face behind his back. Who was he to tell her to keep her voice down? Gosh, the other ghosts seemed practically lively compared to the Slytherin one. The fifth year couldn’t help but grin a little as The Baron was so effortlessly put down by Vivian: the girl was taking being prefect in her stride, of course, but Liss had never had any doubts. She was more than glad that the poor kid could continue eating – acts of genius were not to be punished! Even if she was completely and utterly a tad jealous of him.

Shrugs happened at the question from the newly sorted Patrick. “I don’t know,” Liss said with a smile. “Depends how good at magic you are. And how well you can carry food.” Because if they were clumsy there was a high probability of them spilling the food before they even got it into the hall, and that was just a fact. Grimacing slightly when she realised that she’d practically sent a new kid (Kei) to the brink of tears, Felicity couldn’t help but be glad that Vivian was already consoling him. Oops. Was that bad? Biting her lip, she shook the guilt away – it wasn’t her fault she was completely useless with helping upset children. Vivi was the prefect for a reason, after all.

Leaning her head dramatically on Vivian’s shoulder in a display of I’M EXHAUSTED AND HUNGRY CAN THIS HURRY UP PLEASE, Felicity was only absent-mindedly watching the sorting. She grinned at Junia’s arrival, returning her wave, and mentally reminding herself that she must tell her how incredible her eyes were at some point.

And this newly sorted Snake was an absolute bundle of energy – if Felicity hadn’t been tired already, watching the kid might have made her so. “Hey, Philippa,” she said with a grin and a wiggle of her fingers. “I’m Felicity. Welcome to Slytherin.”

Patrick looked at the Bloody Baron and blushed a bit at his error. He knew to always lead with his name, however he had gotten a bit caught up in impressing the Baron. ”Sorry Sir, my name is Patrick Dooley.” His father had mentioned how he should always respect the ghosts, they knew everything. However, his father never mentioned the Bloody Baron in their conversations before he left. He couldn’t ask his brothers as they had no experience with the ghosts of Hogwarts. Following his manners, Patrick continued the conversation with the Baron, ”I Hope all is well with you Sir.” If anything he would be the most well-mannered first year in Slytherin, but his mother would be proud. His father would tell him that he should stand his ground though, as a fellow Slytherin.

An older girl (Junia) looked over at the other first years and himself, he heard her greeting, nodding his head. ”Thanks,” he mumbled under his breath assuming it was just a pleasantry, but not wanting to appear rude to her either.

In all of his conversations with his father over the summer, none of them had prepared him for the comradery of his fellow house members. It was as if his dad had left out a lot of the details, granted his mother hadn’t said much about being a Ravenclaw. She had said her time at Hogwarts was amazing, and that he would love it too. Maybe they didn’t want to influence you, duh. Yet, the only thing his parents had braced him for was his accent. His American twang stuck out considerably when talking with all of the people who had grown up in the surrounding area.

Felicity’s response was true, ”I guess I hadn’t thought about that. Don’t suppose it stayed warm in there?” He supposed it would, but he didn’t know much about these types of things just yet, his parents hadn’t done a terrible amount of magic when he was really young. His brothers on the other hand, they liked to know and try everything they could.

Vivian and the other prefect Oliver greeted his growing crowd of first years at the table. He saw the distinction on their robes. He figured they were being nice enough for a brief introduction. ”Thank you.” Patrick said in response to their greeting not sure what he thought of them yet. They obviously had many friends in the house and at Hogwarts in general, he hoped that they weren’t too strict.

Patrick whipped around, he recognized that voice, "Hello Skylar!!! Thank you, so glad to be in slytherin." It was so nice to see a friendly face.

Last edited by siriusblackliveson; 09-03-2017 at 04:26 PM. Reason: code showing
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