Resident Ghost of Hufflepuff | Friendly & Cheerful
It was a new year here at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and it was time for a new Alfred, the Fat Friar. The summer had been a time for him to reflect on his ghost persona. He was known as the jolly Hufflepuff ghost, whose love of food during his life branded him as the Fat Friar in the afterlife. He didn't mind the name; it did not hurt his feelings. He was ready, though, for some new branding, so to speak.
He floated towards the Hufflepuff table feeling nervous. There was much hand wringing, and not all of the students had even been seated yet, but he was ready to start the discussion.
Alfred was tired of being the most boring, well-to-do Hogwarts ghost. "Good evening everyone!" he said with a smile, and then he remembered he was trying to be different. So he snarled. "I mean - HELLO PUNKS." Yeah, that was nice. He had been following the Baron around last week a bit. At no time had the Baron ever said the work punk, but the rude greeting was inspired by the Baron. Only, he already felt bad about it. The students did not deserve this rudeness! His face, had he been alive, would have turned red in blush. there was no blood to rush to his cheeks as a ghost.
And now, he didn't know what to do.
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