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Kimothy ... Aww, look at that little one! Vivian couldn't help but sympathise for him. "Hey there!" The prefect greeted him (Kei) with a smile. "What's up? Are you feeling okay?" The kid looked like he wanted the floor to eat him alive. Was he scared or something? Ickle Vivian wouldn't have known what it felt to be anxious around people, since she was obviously a loud extrovert as a child, but she didn't want to make him feel lonely!
Kei looks up to the much more friendly voice, quickly patting his eyes dry with his sleeves.
"I'm...I'm okay. Just, er, very overwhelmed. It's really loud, and my voice keeps...it keeps cracking and I don't like it," he explains weakly while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Sorry, i know I should be happy, and don't get me wrong, I am!"