Thread: Platform 9¾
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Old 08-06-2016, 01:34 AM
Zoe Zoe is online now
Default Platform 9¾

The floor of the magically concealed platform at King's Cross Station is, as usual, polished and spotless. After the train comes to a gentle halt at its final destination, the first thing you notice is that the old scarlet train is releasing steam from its pistons in relief after completing its long journey from the Scottish Highlands. The mid-day sun is shining through the glass ceiling above, surely a good sign of the summer to come.

It is now time to say your last farewells to your BBF, that random kid in the corridor, your enemies, etc. until it is time to do it all over again a few months from now. Do you have all of the items you think you brought with you to school months ago -- your textbooks, clean underpants, your wand, everything you could possibly think of? Now would be a good time to check. Don't dilly dally, however, for you still have to make it to your humble abode. The large crowd here will be soon leaving the station and heading straight for barrier. Hurry on up and don't waste another minute of your holiday!

OOC: Here you may play your student character and anyone that is associated with them.