For everyone, but also some mentions.. Resident Ghost of Slytherin | Hot-Tempered & Not Amused
Floating up through the Slytherin Table with his sword in hand the pearly-white and gaunt faced ghost by the name of Sir Bloodiness or the Bloody Baron's took in the sight of the snake student's present.
His wide staring black eyes immediatley landed on the loud mouthed Felicity as he grunted out. "Keep your voice down Ms Harrington! Who is this proclaimed genius?"
Gazing around the table his bloodiness floated straight through a scared looking boy Kei on his way to stop next to a boy Patrick that had just been sorted into the noble house of Salazar. "Welcome to Slytherin, young master?" What was his name?
Sniffing the air, the slightly transparent spectre turned his black eyes to the newly badged prefect Vivian and grunted. "Prefect Vivian, someone has brought food to the table...Why?" As in you should investigate my dear!
Letting his eyes travel over the student faces the Baron grunted out a greeting that was polite by his grumpy standards."Welcome to Hogwarts and to the great house of Salazar Slytherin! And to all returning students, I hope you had good summers?"
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