Thread: Luggage Car
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Old 09-01-2017, 04:56 PM   #5 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Stuart Kynaston
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rome Keller Drechsler
First Year
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Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post

Just as she had wiggled into position (sprawled out on the floor), she heard the compartment door open. PERFECT TIMING. 'Cause Zoryn was ready to pretend to be a suitcase. Mhm. And she was doing such a good job at it too, she was sure.

When the unknown compartment invader made a noise, Zoryn placed it as a masculine sounding one. Which meant, WHAT IF IT WAS JONAS??? She felt her body stiffen before hearing the question and realizing that the voice belonged to someone else. Someone much less annoying. Though the who was something she couldn't exactly place.

The third year peeked out from her pile of luggage and lo and behold it was, "SLATE GREY!" Yes. The name would stick. She reached for one of his legs and tried to pull him closer. "You've gotta keep quiet, you're gonna blow my cover!!" Never mind the fact that she was the one who yelled.
Slate glanced down at his feet when Zoryn grabbed his leg. ERMmmMMmm? This was weird, but he nonetheless ducked, mostly out of curiosity and because he wanted her off his leg.

"What exactly are you hiding from?" And again, not sure if he was more curious or more worried for his safety.

But either way, watching her flop around in luggage was at least entertaining.
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