Originally Posted by
PhoenixRising Even though she'd done the majority of her shopping before their birthday slumber party like two weeks prior, when Skylar had seen the shiny green badge in Vivian's room she had all sorts of mixed emotions going on in her head. But most of all, she was BEYOND stoked about this new order of business and having a PREFECT in her dorm room. But not just any prefect; her bestest of friends outside of Hattie, but Hattie was a different sort of best friend. Which made her what? Sidekick? What was the best friend to princesses called? Because that was kind of how she felt; like she had to be all dressed up nicely and pretty, but without some of those extra responsibilities. Not to mention having a best friend in a position of student leadership totally gave her free passes when it came to snogging her boyfriend, yes?
"I think you're this way," Sky called behind her making sure the Slytherin was still behind her. Yes, she WAS planning to walk her all the way to the Prefect's Compartment. Vivian Fairfield was a VERY IMPORTANT PREFECT (VIP) now, which meant her safety was of utmost priority.
"V-I-P. COMING THROUGH," Skylar called, as she made her way down the front half of the train. Basically, anyone in the way better skedaddle .... or else.
Merlin's beard.
So perhaps a lot of things happened during their sleepover, and one of those events were all thanks to Vivian's obviously clumsy self. Not that the blonde wasn't going to tell Sky about receiving the prefect badge because she was one of the few people she wanted to tell the news to. Gladly that was out of her chest! But apparently, Sky just... wouldn't... stop.
Now, Vivian was trying to conceal her face because her best friend just so happened to be yelling through the corridor that she was a V.I.P. and OH GOSH, as much as the blonde was flattered by all this, she kinda wanted Sky to maybe tone down a bit. If anyone looked close enough, they'd see that Vivi was slightly pink on her cheeks. As for those free snogging passes, Sky would better hope that Vivian didn't catch them along the corridors then. She did not want to see her best friend or anyone snogging for that matter, just saying.
Uh... Sky," the Slytherin said, keeping her head down and following her dorm mate through the corridor. "
I... I'm not a V.I.P." Vivian looked apologetically at the other students and mouthed 'sorrys' to them.