Forever Hufflepuff | | Always. Caroline simply could not pass by this shop without going inside. Quidditch, whatever it was, seemed to be a popular whatever it was. And brooms for flying?! How cool was that? Caroline found herself in front of a display case along with several other people. "Soooo, what's this quidditch thing?" She asked, hoping someone could fill her in. "Wait a minute." Caroline's eyes got large with realization and worry. If these brooms were magical, did that mean she'd have to learn how to ride one at Hogwarts? "Oh no, no, no." She said shaking her head frantically. Caroline Crossifre did not do heights.
__________________ Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________  "all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect nargles are behind it." |