08-22-2017, 01:46 AM
Dining Hall & Kitchen Dining Hall & Kitchen - First Floor
The Dining Hall and kitchen area are easy to locate for any student and no matter if it's a feast or just every day dining, students can find a variety of foods they are sure to enjoy. When the doors open the first thing that hits your eye is the tiled floor and in the center the Ilvermorny crest. The seating is set up in sections with long tables and shorter tables with full chairs. Tables may sit from four to eight students depending on the length. The sections are shown by the house colored tablecloths and each section has a mascot banner hanging from the ceiling. When it is feast time you will find students gathered at the tables and their food will appear before them. During regular dining times during the school term, students are welcome to find the areas of interest in the kitchen before heading to their tables in the dining room. Sections in the kitchens for lunch or dinner are pizza, subs, bagels, Chinese, a place to make special orders, and even a coffee counter in the far end where one can get coffee, tea, latte, espressos, and so much more. If you are in for breakfast you can find the sections with waffles, pancakes, sandwiches, cereal, and donuts instead of the lunch and dinner foods. |