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Old 08-21-2017, 02:12 AM   #185 (permalink)

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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: nickle's back pocket
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Astrid Grimaldi
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nikita Vitvinina-Grahn
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ascella Archer
Fifth Year
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up

Originally Posted by Watson View Post
Yes. Olivia's mind was made up. She would HAVE to drop by the Slytherin Common Room more often to visit Vivian or send a note to meet up. They were going to def spend more time hanging out this year. Between classes would be fun too!

Vi bit her lip and paused as Vivian stared blankly at her. Ooh. Did the joke not land properly? Before she could awkwardly shrug her shoulders and offer a carefree smile, the Slytherin was grinning. Okay. Bad joke. Whoops! My bad, thought Olivia offering a smile. "Blood pops..." said Olivia as she shook her head. Those were the worst.... "I wonder why they make them and who buys them...?" It must have been someone's preference but still..... "It must be an acquired taste." Yes, that must have been it for sure then. Vivian didn't know the answer to her question either. Hmm.. perhaps some investigating ought to be done? Yes, asking him when they got to the counter sounded like an excellent idea.

But first. Candy shopping!

Was she the one making the coffee? Well sometimes. "I help out the barista.
I'm training to be one. I can make some drinks on the espresso machines but I mostly serve treats and check out people.
" She nodded casually a couple of times before she realized the last part of her sentence. Blue eyes widening, she paused. She turned bright red almost as red as the Gryffindor tie she wore at school. "I.. I run the cash register at the moment," she said with a laugh. Olivia wasn't checking out people per say ALL the time. She was doing her job. Sure there were cute guys that came by but the REALLY cute guy her friend hadn't come by recently.

And then Vivian was giggling. Was this about the date thing? Olivia raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the giggling, and then she had her answer. A blush crept onto her cheeks, "Ace." She paused and then realized that maybe Vivian didn't know him by his nickname. It had been a while since she had called him by his full name. She was so used to calling him Ace now that it seemed almost strange to use his first name like that. "Tenacius. He's a Gryffindor in my year," she smiled. A fellow housemate and a really, really good friend. Well more than a friend. "What about you? Anyone special?" she asked as she raised her eyebrows at the Slytherin. There must have been a ton of people that liked Vivian. Merlin. What was not to like about her? Vivian was amazing.

As Olivia scanned the aisles for Mars Bars, her shoulders slumped a little bit when she couldn't see any. "Merlin.. Must have mistaken it for something else or maybe I really just want a Mars Bars," she laughed.
Was it obvious to Olivia that Vivian was sorta excited for their in-between classes adventures? It probably was. The blonde was wiggling in her place!

But ugh, yes! Blood pops. Vivian made a face as they came across a whole pack of them in the shelf. "Yeah, those red ones," she said, pointing and cringing at the sweets. Were they even supposed to be considered as sweets?! "I'm not sure if they're actually made of blood, but I guess vampire kids fancy them?" Or those with wolfish mannerisms. It's not that Vivian minded, but she just didn't think the blood pops appealed to her so she was going to avoid them as much as possible. "And perhaps acid pops... if you wanted a hole on your tongue." Which she hopes won't happen! No way! But now she had her eyes on those pumpkin pasties. Did she want some of those? Hmm, Vivian would have to contemplate on that for a while.

Still, something about the jobs of a barista -- THAT was the word! -- pretty much interested Vivian. Handling the coffee and doing those pretty art with the foam. It just amazed her. "Is it hard? Handling the machine thing, that is. It kinda looks complicated from a customer's point of view," she had to ask. She always only found herself staring and contemplating on life whenever she watched the barista person do his thing. Vivian couldn't help but giggle at the 'check out people' part. She even wiggled her eyebrows at the comment. "There's nothing wrong with checking people out," she had to say. If there were attractive people out there, why not appreciate such beauty?

The name 'Ace' didn't really ring the bell yet, but the name 'Tenacius' definitely did! A wide grin grew on Vivian's face. "The prefect, yeah?" Just to make sure they were talking about the same guy. That would have been awkward! "Sooooo, how'd it go? Are you guys official now?" The important questions needed to be asked, because Vivian would definitely support whoever made her friends happy! But then the conversation shifted towards her, and the blonde sort of just smiled and shook her head. "No one special," she said. "Unless getting butterflies in your stomach whenever you see someone is considered special." Were her feelings for Andrei considered a crush, anyway? She didn't know, but she was positive that she didn't just think of him as just a friend. It was more than that.

The expression on Olivia's face made Vivian giggle a little. "Perhaps there are some Mars Bars outside, in Muggle London," the blonde beamed. "There are great ones in here that aren't Mars Bars." Like loooooads of them!
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________

___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
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