Potions & Alchemy Laboratory Solve et Coagula: Dissolve the Fixed, Coagulate the Volatile. Traversing past the Potions Classroom, and further into the Porticus Circumscriptus, you will find another door which will open up to the Potions and Alchemy Laboratory. The first thing that you will notice upon entering is the exquisite floor pattern; a septenary star of Alchemy. The inverted triangle pattern underneath the star represents the Three Principles of Alchemy: Anima, Spiritvs, Corpvs. The sigil is inscribed in a square, with which the four corners are adorned with the four elements: Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. On the walls are portraits of renowned alchemist, busy with their own experiments.
Surrounding the floor pattern are workstations, equipped with cauldrons, high-capacity flasks, cylinders, volumetric pipettes, flexible tubes, stirrers, and Bunsen burners. Other miscellaneous tools can be found underneath the workstations, or at the Potion Ingredients Storeroom nearby. On the far left, you will see a row of stone Gargoyle heads and metal chains hanging from each head. Should you find yourself in contact with a hazardous potion or potion ingredient, these emergency showers are at your disposal. Just pull the chain and get doused in cold, clean water. Beside it are bags of sand to be used when there is fire, and on the other side of the showers is a First-Aid cabinet. Above is a mezzanine floor overlooking the workstations below. Here, you will find study tables with desk lamps, comfortable chairs, and bookshelves filled with resource materials dedicated to Potions and Alchemy.
Anyone who wishes to use this facility is required to sign the log book outside. By signing it, it is understood that you agree to follow the Laboratory & Safety Rules. Your personal safety depends mostly on YOU. Also note that this book is charmed, meaning, the names and signatories will reflect in a duplicate book, owned by the Healer/Potions Master. Laboratory & Safety Rules- First-Aid / Emergency Response: Know where the first-aid kits are located, as well as the sandbags, and emergency showers. Should a major accident happen, call the attention of the other students and help by summoning the Healer/Potions Master or any of the Professors immediately. The portraits of alchemists are there at your disposal to deliver your message;
- Common Sense: Practising a simple brew can be done alone, however, if the potion that you wish to brew is highly advanced, or has the potential to go wrong, it is advised that you brew it with a buddy or a professor. DO NOT USE INGREDIENTS AND/OR PROCEDURES THAT YOU ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH! Ultimately, if the potion to be brewed will contain one of the off-limits ingredients, adult supervision will be strictly implemented. No ifs or buts, unless you want your laboratory privileges revoked permanently;
- Wear your safety goggles, gloves, and lab coat while brewing;
- If you have long hair, make sure it is tied back. No exceptions;
- Keep your workstations clean. Bring only what is needed on the table;
- Do not leave your brew unattended;
- Clean up your workstations when you are done, and observe the proper disposal of used materials;
- Make sure that your burners are turned off before leaving the laboratory;
- No food or drinks allowed inside the laboratory;
- Wash your hands before you exit the laboratory;
- Handling Ingredients: Treat each and every ingredient with care and caution.
- Read the labels carefully, and execute the proper precautionary measures indicated. No excuses!;
- Never return excess ingredients back to its original supply jar. Share if you must;
Quote: Potions & Alchemy Laboratory Logbook Name: Year and House: Accompanied by: Potion(s) to be brewed: OOC: Please post your characters arriving and signing the logbook by copy-pasting the text above before performing any brewing activity. No classes will be held here, unless otherwise stated in the announcement board. Thank you!