Thread: Middle Cars
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Old 08-14-2017, 12:26 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Whilst Sam knew about legilimancy, she'd never studied nor thought to practice it, so the Slytherin was safe. She was just a concerned citizen right now.

"D'ya mind...?" She gestured at the seat opposite. She could leave if she did, but she wouldn't mind getting to know the younger girl a little better. "D'ya play for a team?" She'd never gotten into quidditch, but she knew several of her cohort played competitively over the summer. "I'll miss the castle too." Since she'd started at Hogwarts, it'd been the one constant in her life. People seemed to come and go; older students, Professors, family...but the castle? It symbolised all the good things in her life. It's where she'd been reunited with Dora, had learnt to read and write, had felt at home for the first time ever...

At the question about OWLs she gave a little shrug. "Some good, some bad. Pretty sure I flunked Ancient Runes..." On the whole though, she was pretty positive about her results in July. "Yours are next year, right?"
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