HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED The girl was nervous…tired, nervous, a little worse for ware and hungry. Most of all she was nervous. “I should eat…” she muttered to herself before haphazardly walking straight into one curly haired persons back…wait…they smelled familiar.
Nooooooo she didn’t smell them – nope. It was just…okay fine she had had the luck to be breathing when she walked into him. Thank merlin it wasn’t someone she didn’t get along with or know…that’d be disastrous. ” ‘ey Ace,” she grimaced…that didn’t sound right or really like her – heck her voice was quavering.
…”getting food? I should but like…I might vomit from nerves but like its an eight our train ride and im starving” she groaned as she looked up at the trolly witch and grinned. Don’t kill me if I get sick she thought at the witch because this was, after all, her train.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |