urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse TERMINATION/COUNTER-SPELLS: Termination spells are spells that terminate a general set of spells rather than specific spells. These are more general-based, but there are some specific termination spells/counter-charms mentioned here. FIRST YEAR: ▷ Nox: Extinguishes light at the end of the caster's wand INCANTATION: Nox (NOCK-ss) WAND MOVEMENT: LIGHT: Green OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ SECOND YEAR: ▷ Finite: Terminates spell effects INCANTATION: Finite (fi-NEE-tay) WAND MOVEMENT: LIGHT: Red OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ ▷ Reparifarge: Reverts transformations INCANTATION: Reparifarge (reh-PAH-ree-fahj) WAND MOVEMENT: [unknown] LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ THIRD YEAR: [n/a] ____________________ FOURTH YEAR: ▷ Finite Incantatem: Terminates ALL spells in the vicinity of the caster INCANTATION: Finite Incantatem (fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tem) WAND MOVEMENT: LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ FIFTH YEAR: ▷ Extinguishing Spell: Quells fire INCANTATION: [unknown] WAND MOVEMENT: [unknown] LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ ▷ Homorphus Charm: Causes a transforms target to resume its original shape INCANTATION: [unknown] WAND MOVEMENT: [unknown] LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ ▷ Liberacorpus: Counter-spell for Levicorpus INCANTATION: Liberacorpus (lib-ER-A-cor-pus) WAND MOVEMENT: Jerk upwards LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ ▷ Vipera Evanesca: Causes snake to disintegrate and vanish; counter-spell for snake-based spells INCANTATION: Vipera Evanesca (vee-PAIR-uh ee-vuh-NES-kuh) WAND MOVEMENT: Wave wand LIGHT: Black smoke OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ SIXTH YEAR: ▷ Emancipare: Releases bindings INCANTATION: Emancipare (E-man-cee-PAR-eh) WAND MOVEMENT: Point wand at bindings LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ SEVENTH YEAR: [n/a]
Last edited by hermionesclone; 08-11-2017 at 12:26 AM.