Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Despite having just eaten half of his body weight at the feast, Kane was STARVING. Growing boys did need fuel for their growing bodies! For once, he couldn't WAIT to go shopping for new clothes. He was getting sick of having to alter his jeans and long sleeved shirts so they'd fit.
Making a beeline for the pumpkin pasties, Kane was delighted to see that there wasn't ANYONE else around to take first dibs on his goodies. MMMM. Perfecttt. Maybe he'd even buy Brent a celebratory chocolate cauldron for being an IMPS champion and all that!
Nearly a year ago, Felicity had been on this train for the first time, travelling in the opposite direction, but a similar mood. Then, she'd been anxious and nervous, and very dispirited; now, she found herself also anxious and dispirited, but for quite the opposite reasons. She'd grown to like Hogwarts, especially her dorm mates, and was getting used to the moving staircases and strange ghosts. She supposed it had helped that a lot of her friends from Ilvermorny had been there, too - but she knew that it was probably going to make next term harder than it had to be.
But her main reason for being slightly down was that she had to stay in England
all summer. And, from what she'd heard, their 'summer' lasted approximately three days. She was already pining for America. So, in her mopey, last minute packing, she'd skipped breakfast this morning, and was therefore headed to the Food Trolley. Seeing a familiar back of the head, Flick smiled slightly. "Save some for me, yeah?"
She wanted Pumpkin Pasties, too.