urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse HEALING SPELLS: These spells are spells that heal an injury. Healing Spells are very complicated and tricky to get right so it might be better to go to the Healer to deal with any injuries, especially if they're severe. FIRST YEAR: [n/a] ____________________ SECOND YEAR: [n/a] ____________________ THIRD YEAR: [n/a] ____________________ FOURTH YEAR: ▷ Densaugeo: Causes teeth to grow rapidly; may replace lost teeth INCANTATION: Densaugeo (den-sah-OO-gi-oh) WAND MOVEMENT: [unknown] LIGHT: Violet OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ ▷ Episkey: Heals minor injuries and broken bones INCANTATION: Episkey (eh-PIS-kee) WAND MOVEMENT: Point wand LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ FIFTH YEAR: ▷ Anapneo: Clears the target's airway INCANTATION: Anapneo (an-AP-knee-o) WAND MOVEMENT: Point wand LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ ▷ Brackium Emendo: Heals broken bones INCANTATION: Brackium Emendo (br-AH-kee-um eh-MEN-doh) WAND MOVEMENT: Point wand LIGHT: Blue OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ ▷ Ferula: Creates bandage and splint INCANTATION: Ferula (fer-ROOL-lah) WAND MOVEMENT: Tap target LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ SIXTH YEAR: ▷ Erasum: Heals cat scratch disease INCANTATION: Erasum WAND MOVEMENT: Zig zag up and down, flick at the end LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: Term 20: Charms Lesson 3 ____________________ ▷ Rennervate: Revives a stunned target INCANTATION: Rennervate (RENN-a-vate) WAND MOVEMENT: Point wand at chest LIGHT: Red OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ ▷ Reparifors: Heals minor magical ailments such as paralysis and poisoning INCANTATION: Reparifors WAND MOVEMENT: [unknown] LIGHT: Purplish-white OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki ____________________ ▷ Resarcio: Heals dislocated shoulder INCANTATION: Resarcio WAND MOVEMENT: Slash down, then up LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: Term 20: Charms Lesson 3 ____________________ SEVENTH YEAR: ▷ Auris: Heals infections INCANTATION: Auris WAND MOVEMENT: Circular LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: Term 20: Charms Lesson 3 ____________________ ▷ Vulnera Sanentur: Heals wounds and gashes INCANTATION: Vulnera Sanentur (VUL-neh-rah sah-NEN-tour) WAND MOVEMENT: Trace wand over wounds LIGHT: N/A OTHER: N/A LINK: HP Wiki
Last edited by hermionesclone; 07-16-2018 at 09:40 PM.