Treat Yo Self | +2 | Enabler | Nerd | Blink Sounds like what they really need is Never have i ever made into a card game. Which would be awesome Maddox thought. But well he was in favor of all those ideas. but a random dance part would be the most awesome if everyone got involved. But the amount of effort and Professors watching. Card game would be easier. Even some of the people at this table were interested in a game. Even Avery was. "Hi Avery. Looking Good. Dance Party if we can, or fall back to random card game or food fight. Since those always end the year right"
Well not he was not in the mood for a card game now. Ewwwww, dungbombs. Maddox picked the wrong table today. Thanks weird ghost. Did not want that smell. Ewww. Though the other ghost was not too friendly to him and Khalil. Whatever.
Ok he was the loud one. But Ace was talking loud to the next level with whatever he was doing. something something about this table win something. Ok
Dance Party probably done to now that a Professor not with a poncho was here. Shame. Oh he was talking to him. Maddox had no idea they had a weird tradition like that and was actually surprised he knew Maddox was graduating. He was probably yelling about it yesterday. But you know. "Cool, Thanks Professor Marchand"
Free food was always a win.
__________________ -------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside. |