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Old 08-08-2017, 07:47 PM   #25 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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SPOILER!!: Kitty
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog View Post
She listened seriously as Louise explained how they weren't thinking much about people watching as they competed. It made sense of course and it was a very brave way of looking at things. "I'll never forget any of it," she said sincerely. "Next year I will be graduating from Hogwarts, but I hope that sometime our two schools have another event like this. Maybe next time Ilvermorny can host."

And Mason saying that eight years of school sucked dfenitely confirmed her suspicions that he wasn't really going to miss Hogwarts all that much. Oh well, everyone was different. "Personally I would like to stay eight years, but I get why many people wouldn't. By the way, where are you going next?" She'd wish him luck wherever it was!

Turning back to Cassanda, she pondered the return question for a moment, not quite sure what the answer was. She had just invited Emma to be a pen pal... 'I think I have at least one," she said with a smile. "If I didn't have any it would be tragic. Someday I would like to visit Ilvermorny, wouldn't you?"

"Hey Emma!" she greeted the much younger Ilvermorny girl enthusiastically, welcoming her to sit next to them. "How's it going?" Wow she was so going to miss Ilvermorny students when they were gone! "It's a shame we won't be doing this again next year. But you know what? If it's all fine with you, I think I'll write letters to you next year and forever. I always wanted an Ilvermorny friend."

Rooney blew her a kiss. Awww how sweet of him! She smiled and blew one back. Then she watched with silent agreement when Jessa expressed her sorrow at seeing Rooney leave. Kitty would very much miss Rooney's theatrics next year . Lessons wouldn't be the same without.

As she was thinking this, Dora approached their table to hug Mason and say goodbye to him and Rooney. "Hey Dora," she said to the Gryffindor girl as she passed by her. Kitty wasn't sure if the feeling was mutual, but she respected Dora and had been especially cheering for her (among all the others) in the challenges. She would have said more but she wasn't sure this was the right time.

Dora glanced over when she heard her name, a small smile forming. She had spent the whole of term so wrapped up in her own mess that she hadn't really gotten a chance to speak with Kitty. What a shame. The Gryffindor girl really DID like her. She was weird and Dora Umbridge liked WEIRD.

"Hey Kitty. Hope you have a lovely summer," she said with a genuine smile this time. Meant it too, she did. The blonde girl gave her a motion to show that she would come over and speak properly as soon as she was done with Roo and Mason.

SPOILER!!: Hirsch
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
Was it odd for him to be wandering down to the table so soon?

Maybe. But his mind was too focused on something he told himself he'd do to care about that.

So, some time after the Headmistress had given her speech and food had appeared on the tables, Hirsch descended to his house's table. A smile and a wave was given to the other Ravenclaws, Miss Hamilton, Dora, Miss Darque and the Grey Lady, who were all seated there. He would stop to talk but not until he'd seen to two seventh year boys.

Mason was spotted first and so, he stopped near him to talk to him first. "Hey, Mason," he said, clapping the boy on his shoulder, "How're you feeling? Ready to graduate?" Whatever the answer to that question was, he probably wasn't going to be surprised in the slightest. It was a big night, after all.

And speaking of emotional, his green eyes landed on a certain Head Boy and he smiled a little sadly. "Come here," he said softly, ignoring how heavy his heart felt and gesturing for the boy to come over. He probably should've called the two to his office to talk about this but it was a little late for that so this'll have to do. Sorry, boys.


Dor was still a bit undecided about him, but for real, she had appreciated his taking the time to speak to her and work with her this term. Even if she felt like he did it out of a sense of duty... and not because he especially wanted to. But whatever.

He got a small nod in response to his smile and wave.

SPOILER!!: Kyle Baker
Originally Posted by Kyle Baker View Post
Sitting in the Great Hall for the End of Term Feast with the Hogwarts students felt almost like an intrusion. Everywhere he looked, Kyle saw signs of sentiment and affection, and so many mixed emotions it was, quite frankly, an exhausting sight to behold. Many seemed happy for the end of the school year, others appeared exhausted (probably a by-product from the final exams and/or the competition, depending on each individual student's priorities), but Kyle could also see some unhappy faces out there. He knew what it meant of course - many Hogwarts students were leaving for good, and those left behind were sad to see them go, and perhaps even the seventh years themselves harboured bittersweet feelings about it all. Then there was the separation of the newer inter-school friendships (something Kyle hadn't quite managed to form for himself, but perhaps there was still time), soon to have the entire Atlantic Ocean between them

So yes... it felt like an intrusion. In all honesty Kyle had felt the same way even at the end of term celebrations back at Ilvermorny, given that he had never yet forged any particular attachments with students who had gone on to graduate (though that was likely to be different next year). But still, here, at Hogwarts, even though all of Ilvermorny was here too... it felt extra weird to witness all of these... feelings. Or whatever.

But still, here he was. Even Kyle knew that it would be in poor taste to not show up to the feast, given they had been hosted by Hogwarts for the entire year for the IMPS competition, and he himself had gone on to win said competition. Also, he had to admit that the food here wasn't so bad, even if he did miss the Ilvermorny food he was much more accustomed to.

Kyle had chosen the Ravenclaw table as his accommodation for the feast. While he felt more drawn to the Slytherins - and not just because of the shared serpent mascot - he also found that he had a particular affinity for those of the scholarly house, and it was with those students that he had found himself sitting with at the start of the feast. Mostly, Kyle sat there quietly, on the figurative sidelines, not wanting to interrupt any of the emotional farewells that were going on around him. While he waited for the feast, he simply observed his mostly British hosts, at one point picking up one of those curious cards that had been delivered to the entire table by the Head Boy to inspect it.

When the speech started, Kyle found he was only half listening, mostly as it was all to do with Hogwarts specific stuff, like points and the house cup. That was, of course, until his own name was mentioned. Of course. He should have expected it, really, but Kyle was still slightly taken aback as a smattering of applause followed the words 'Kyle Baker'. Not entirely sure how to gracefully handle the attention, he just sat where he was, stoic and still, having to make a conscious effort to not automatically applaud with everyone else like he had been doing up until that point.

And then the attention was off of him again, and Kyle breathed an internal sigh of relief. He fiddled absentmindedly with fork until the speech was over and the food appeared before this time giving a literal sigh, leaning back slightly where he sat, and mussing up the front of his hair.

The air of finality, it was somewhat liberating, wasn't it? The school year ending with a bang, and extravagant gesture like a feast, it was always so much better than things just slowly fizzling out. Because now, suddenly, Kyle was so very aware of how close he was to being back home, to having the time to relax and decompress and just be on his own - or with his grandparents - for a while. The thought prompted a small but content smile to replace his usually dour expression, and Kyle scanned the table for food to fill his plate up with, feeling a metaphorical weight lift from his shoulders that he had barely even noticed was there until it had gone.

As the Headmistress mentioned Kyle during the speech, she let her eyes land on him. She wasn't sure about this guy either. None of the Ilvermorny kids seemed particularly keen on her... aside from maybe Valerie, given the few conversations they had had. But she gave the boy the round of applause he very much deserved.

Truly he did.

Clearing her throat a bit, she spoke over the noise, hoping the boy could hear her, "Kyle... congratulations. You were amazing and deserved that win."

SPOILER!!: Rooooo
Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
Rooney was glad to see Dora heading over this way, knowing that certain situations could make this awkward for her. A friend was a friend, no matter what. He extended his arm out for her to pull her into a side hug, but was given the mention of a 'something'. "Miss Dora, you certainly didn't have to get me anything." The thought was appreciated and the gesture was all sorts of kind. "I have nothing for you except my face on a card. I can sign it right here for you.." He had just signed a few for Ravenclaws. Quick, Mason, show Dora!

If one could hug a ghost, then this one would be engulfing the Grey Lady into his arms and his snuggles right now. Her presence had been a constant for him at Hogwarts, despite them sometimes not getting on the best of ways. "You've taught me only to have the high kind of aspirations, ma'am. None of that wishy washy 'maybe one day' stuff." That was true. Rooney was a man of his word and if he wanted to be on stage for the rest of his forever, then that would be what happened. If he wanted to go into politics, then he would.

Right now, he wanted to go to university, to sing, to perform and to fall hook line and sinker in love with Katy Toussaint in time.

Rooney would be stupid to think that he could get through this feast without getting too emotional. Actually, he had filled up with tears as soon as he saw Professor Hirsch get up from his seat and make his way toward the students. At first, he was upset that his Head of House may stop by a different house table before this one, but then he found himself getting more overwhelmed by the thought of saying goodbye to this annoyingly attractive man that always had something for him to learn.

He mimicked the sad smile given to him, wiping the corner of his eyes against his robes to rid any of those tears that had grown. Slinking close, Roo looked expectantly at Hirsch. "Is Headmistress Hawthorne wanting my badge back now for my confetti rain? Say it isn't so, Sir." See,
look, the art of pretending a certain conversation didn't have to happen by starting a different one.

Since she had let Mason go from his death grip, Dora moved immediately to Roo's side, slipping gladly into that one armed hug. She needed Roo hugs in her life. Holding the small parcel out to him she gave a shy sort of smile. "It's not much, but I had to do something for you. And well... it's kind of two things." Hope you like it, Rooboo.

"I'm gonna miss you so much..." she managed, in a tiny voice. She told herself she wouldn't cry... but that was seeming less and less likely as the moments passed.

SPOILER!!: Masoooon
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post

Mason put down his goblet filled with pumpkin juice and turned to face the staff table when the Headmistress started her speech. He clapped along when needed and when the seventh year graduates had to stand up he decided to keep sitting down. It was awkward enough and he didn’t need an applause because he graduated.

The moment the speech was over, the Ravenclaw looked hopefully at the table and sure enough the food came through the wood. Grabbing some potatoes, a few vegetables and a pile of chicken wings, the seventh year began to eat, letting out a small chuckle at Cassie’s little ghost joke. “Hey you never know , i’ve heard students have actually died in this place” he answered half jokingly. His sense of humour had always been a bit dark.

Then came a girl whom he did not know so Mason figured she was one of the Ilvermorny students who decided to sit at their table. He nodded his head in Emma’s direction as a sign that he had seen her wave before he was literally ATTACKED by an unseen force.

Dora! Come on, let go please” he gasped as the Gryffindor squeezed him in a tight hug. What was it with people and hugs. Never heard of personal space, people? Letting out a relieved breath when she finally let go, the seventh year turned to look at the girl. “What?” he asked in answer when she told him she had something for him and Rooney.

Speaking of Rooney, Mason’s mouth dropped slightly when the Head Boy picked up the photo he had in his hand and…..signed it….with a smile. Oh Merlin’s Beard…had he not heard of sarcasm? Still, the fact that he would send tickets to any show he would be in when he became famous was cool though. “You better not forget that promise” he grinned.

Turning to Kitty next, Mason shrugged his shoulders. He did that a lot lately. “I don’t know yet, i kinda want to travel to every famous library/bookstores in the world. Would be cool. And study at University or maybe work somewhere” he hadn’t decided what he wanted to do yet.

A hand landed on his shoulder and the Ravenclaw turned his head to look up to see who it was. “Seriously, people. Never heard of personal spa--- oh, sorry Professor…” Scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, Mason shrugged his shoulders. “I’m okay” he said because honestly, what could he say to that? And if he was ready to graduate? “Definitely, i mean, school is okay but seven years is more than enough of . Did you know that Muggles spend EIGHT years at school? Kitty just told me, crazy right” it wasn’t even a question, it was a statement.

Mason’s dark brown eyes went to Rooney when their Head of House called him over and he hoped that they weren’t going to get all emotional right now. Cause if they were going to cry he at least needed an headsup so that he could escape.

Hmph. Mason Winslow was going to have to get used to Dora hugs. Seriously. He was never going to stop getting them even if he had an aversion.



Was that anyway to respond when someone said they had gotten you a gift? HMPH. Holding the parcel out toward him, the blonde girl made a FACE at him. "Well I can keep if you want, but I don't think it suits me." And really there was something else in there for him, also. Just something to remember her by. Because... well he was leaving and she was going to miss him like mad.

SPOILER!!: Gaston
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Emma smiled when Kitty spoke to her. "I'm good," she replied, but her smile faded a little at what she said next. She'd been trying not to think too much about leaving Hogwarts because it made her sad, and she didn't want to be sad right now! Feasts were for having fun, right? "Yeah, shame..." She bit her lip and stared at the floor for a minute. She was going to miss all her Hogwarts friends! Wait, what? Her head jerked up, and her moment of sadness was forgotten. "Whoa, really? Of course it's fine with me!" It was more than fine! She reached for a pen and paper to exchange contact information with Kitty, then she realized she didn't have her bag with her. "Do you have a pen and paper I could use?"

Yay! The food was here! Emma had only been paying slight attention to Headmistress Hawthorne's speech; she was too distracted by her hunger! Though she did clap for the House Cup winners, graduates, and the IMPS champions, especially Louise, Jesus, and Kyle... because they were awesome! And speaking of Kyle, there he was! She smiled and waved at the IMPS winner before loading up her plate with the delicious food in front of her.

She stopped eating, and her eyes grew big as the ghost appeared. After all these months, she still wasn't quite used to that! "Hello," she said, politely smiling. The ghosts here sure were friendly! Well, except for the Slytherin one. He gave her the creeps! "Oh, yes ma'am! Experiencing Hogwarts for myself was really fun!" So much fun that she almost didn't want to go home!

And there was the handsome professor with all the tattoos (Hirsch). Hiiii, professor! Emma smiled as she returned the professor's wave. Did he know her aunt? Maybe Aunt Dory had done some of his tattoos? She'd been meaning to ask him about that, but he looked a little busy right now. She'd ask him when he was finished talking to those two older boys (Mason and Rooney).

Gaston had parting gifts for all the graduating seventh years, and his first stop was the Ravenclaw table. "Hello, everyone," he said, offering a smile and nod of acknowledgement to Miss McNally, Miss Tyler, Miss Cambridge, Miss Valentine, Mr. Forsfelle, Dora, Mr. Baker, and the two Ilvermorny girls as he passed. "Ready for summer?"

The Ravenclaw ghost also received a smile. "Good evening, Lady Helena," he greeted her with a respectful bow of his head.

Gaston's bright blue eyes landed on Mason and Rooney, the two boys he came to see, but he saw that Hirsch had already beaten him to them. He suddenly felt as if he was intruding on a private moment. Maybe he should wait and try to catch them before they left to give them their gifts? No, he decided. He wanted to make sure they got them. He quietly set a chocolate frog and a sealed envelope containing a congratulations card beside Mason and Rooney's plates. "I won't keep you boys long," he said in a voice barely above a whisper. "I just wanted to say congratulations and good..." There was a slight catch in his throat. No, he was not saying goodbye! "Good luck."

There was more he would've said, but he didn't want to deprive the boys of their time with their Head of House. Besides, everything else he wanted to say was contained in the cards he'd handed out. Oh, and that reminded him! He'd brought extra chocolate frogs to give the Ilvermorny graduates. He wheeled around and handed a chocolate frog to Miss Hamilton. "Congratulations on graduating, Miss Hamilton!"

Without another word, he turned away to give out cards and chocolates to the other seventh years. As he went. he cast a sympathetic look back at Hirsch. He knew how he felt. Watching students walk out of one's life forever was the hardest part of any teacher's job!


Hmmm. They had had their ups and downs, but really the girl had gained a bit of respect for her head of house over the past term. He had been there when she needed someone and that had meant a lot. And well... he hadn't suspended her for breaking all those chairs in the common room in her fit of rage. He was good people for that.

"Hey, Professor... yeah. More than you know, really." And then she let her eyes wander to Casper... her heart splintering a bit more. "I hope you get to relax some this summer, sir." Her voice may have been small and weak, but she meant it. He needed to relax... and maybe learn how to Gryffindor some more.

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