Resident Ghost of Ravenclaw | Intelligent & Evasive
Another year, another set of eagles were on their way to do wonderful things in the world and she would miss them. Numerous years here would've taught her how to deal with this time of the year but that didn't seem likely.
As it were, the Grey Lady suddenly floated up through the table, through one of the headshots of the current Head Boy, and smiled at the Ravenclaws and guests seated there. "Good evening, Ravenclaws and guests!" Her eyes found the headshots that were scattered like confetti and, if possible, her smile widened. "Celebrating, are we? I'm glad you have high aspirations, Mr Bronwyn."
She glided to an empty spot between two eagles and sat there, her hands poised on her lap and an elegant look about her. "Have you all had a nice term? Ready for some rest and relaxation?" The question was aimed in a random manner to anyone who wanted to talk. She wasn't, of course, fussed when it came to talking to her Ravenclaws.
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