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Old 08-07-2017, 04:47 PM   #17 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Default Mason and Rooney ;____; Also mentions of Sam and maybe Jessa too

Well this was it... the thing she had been avoiding the whole night. Her eyes swept over the table several times before she plucked up the courage to make her move over there. There was Casper... and well... that broke her heart into shards, but this wasn't about him. Not this moment, anyway. Her eyes sought out two other boys quickly.

Mason and Rooney.

How odd that they had become friends, really. Mason got punched in the face by her and Rooney... well she wasn't sure how she felt about him until this term. Now she had such immense love for him. And Mason as well. They were her people now and she was going to miss them oh so very much. With two small parcels tucked under one arm she moved first to Mason.

His back was to her, but that didn't stop her from putting her free arm around him and squeezing him tight. She cared NOT if he had an aversion to hugs. TODAY he was going to humor her and hug her. Okay?! "I got you something," she said softly as she released him from her death grip.

Then her eyes sought out ROO. Frand. Gosh, he was something else, that one. She was so unsure what she was going to do without him next year... but they had the summer to enjoy together and that was what she was going to focus on right now. And NOT the tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes. "Rooney, I got you something, also."

And then she let her eyes wander... almost against her will... to SAM. The hurt in her heart didn't ease up there, either. She gave her a nod that CLEARLY meant she would get to her in a moment. Now there was something to handle.

Oh and hey Jessa... Dora was going to have to properly apologize to her sometime. Maybe.
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