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Old 12-31-2015, 06:40 PM
hermionesclone hermionesclone is online now
Default Defence Training Room

Anyone who knows Hirsch wouldn't be surprised to find such a room up. Right next to the Dueling Arena is a room that's purely for those wishing to practice their self-defence techniques. After all, defending yourself doesn't just stop short at using a wand to do so.

The Defence Training Room looks pretty much like any other training room. Mats can be found on the floor, which should make it easier to crash land on, should you be unfortunate to do so. Need more, and slightly more cushioned, mats? Others can be found towards the back of the room. Running along part of the left wall are a series of boxing bags. While boxing is permitted in here, NO ONE is allowed to practice on another person. Please use the boxing bags provided.

Other, slightly smaller, items can be found here as well: such as weights and ropes and even dummies. The dummies are particularly useful for those who want to practice more Oriental types of self-defence. Or even those who want to practice their kicks and punches. However, do be careful of the ones that like to fight back.

Something that's not permitted in here? Magic.

OOC: Please make sure to comply with the SS and the School RPG Rules. Think of this room like a sort of gym. No outright action-movie fighting with another charrie please <3