Thread: The Bistro
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Old 12-31-2016, 03:33 AM
MadMadamMalfoy MadMadamMalfoy is offline
Default The Bistro

Fancy a bit of French cuisine or just looking for something sweet to eat? Either way, we've got you covered! In this new addition to the charms classroom, Professor Marchand offers you a taste of his homeland... with a modern flair.

A wrought iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling of a small room lined with tables and chairs enough to seat about fifteen people. All dishes are charmed to be self-cleaning, and two trash bins sit on either side of the door. Please remember to pick up after yourselves!

The Menu

- Eclairs
- Macarons (meringue-based cookies)
- French apple pie
- Cherry clafouti (baked custard with cherries)
- Opera cake (almond sponge cake with a coffee-chocolate icing)
- Raspberry Charlotte
- Chocolate mousse
- Madeleines (butter cookies)
- Pears Belle Helene (poached pears with chocolate sauce)
- Orangettes (candied orange peels dipped in chocolate)

- Coffee
- Tea
- Hot cocoa
- Butterbeer
- French soda (flavors: cherry, strawberry, lemon, orange, raspberry, chocolate, vanilla)

Enjoy these treats ready-made or try your hand at making them yourself! At the back of the room is a small kitchen where students can learn to prepare some of the items on the menu using only a few simple spells or create a dish all their own. There is a long counter, a sink, and a refrigerator and cabinets stocked with ingredients for you to use. On the wall is a sign with a few helpful kitchen charms to remember:

Text Cut: Kitchen Charms

Accio (wand movement: U-shape) – Summoning Charm; useful for gathering ingredients

Aguamenti (wand movement: sideways reverse S-shape) – Water-making Spell

Calefacio (wand movement: flame-shape) – Heating Charm

Decortico (wand movement: twirl wand in spiral motion around target) – Peeling Charm

Diffindo (wand movement: V-shape with a curl at the end) – Severing Charm; useful in chopping foods

Extractum (wand movement: circular motion around object) – Fruit Coring Charm

Formo (wand movement: trace wand in the shape you wish to create) – Sculpting Charm; useful for fine details such as shaping cookies or making a frosting rose to add to a cake

Frigidus (wand movement: M-shape) – Cooling Charm; used to chill foods/make hot dishes cool more quickly

Locomotor + (object name) (wand movement: raise wand) – Locomotion Charm; can be used for stirring/pouring

Scourgify (wand movement: S-shape) – Scouring Charm; useful in cleaning equipment

Sternuntur (wand movement: pass wand over surface) – Dough Rolling charm

So why not grab a recipe card and get started?