This is the sole part of the Castle where Muggle technology can work. Professor Stewart has done her best to incorporate as many fun things in this room as possible for the students and Professors alike to spend their free time. Like the waiting room to her office, these walls are plastered with posters. There are also a few up-to-date
computers. Feel free to play games or practice your typing.
There are
Ipods with earbuds in various colours. Each Ipod is loaded with a particular genre of music inclusive of rock, pop, Spanish, Italian, Bollywood- pretty much whatever type of music there is. They are labeled to specify the music they contain. In the middle of the room sat arcade game
machines. If you don’t fancy playing on the machines, there are
gaming consoles that can be hooked up to the
televisions. There is a wide selection of DVDs if you fancy a movie or TV series.
HAVE FUN, KIDDOS! Remember not to take any of the items from this room! Professor Stewart WILL know

One more thing: Absolutely NO foods or liquids are allowed in this room!