~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. A kiss! Did anyone miss how it made Jer glow? "No problem, Aurora.'' The boy watched his girl eat while he dug into his own food. He did like her having such a healthy appetite. He caught the look from Sam too and wiggled his brows at her. "I know,'' he muttered tersley to the twin. "Kyle and Valerie are better.'' And though he wasn't supporting Valerie because of reasons, he hoped that she'd win if Kyle couldn't. He wanted them to beat Hogwarts THAT much. He continued to watch, looking for the two Ilvermorny students. There they came!
Of course Valerie had to be dramatic. Was she anything but? Jer ignored her and the theatrics. Sh emight have even been faking it Yep. "AWESOME JOB, KYLE!'' And then the results came... after a tense moment, it was announced that Ilvermorny had won. "GO, KYLE! GO, ILVERMORNY!'' He couldn't have been more pleased with these results.
"Yeah, let's go,'' the guy agreed with Aurora. "Sam, you can come with us.'' Lately, he'd come to realise that he'd been spending less time with her. "You guys ready?'' |