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His last feast at Hogwarts.
He had to admit, he was going to miss the school now that he actually thought about it. There were still so many things he wanted to discover , so many rooms he was sure he had never stepped foot in but unless he came back as a professor one day he would never find out. Or died right now and his ghost got stuck here or something but that was probably too gruesome...
He sighed as he entered the Great Hall. It wasn't often that Mason could be seen without a book in his hands but today he had not a single book with him. His mother should be proud. Walking up to the Ravenclaw table, the soon to be graduate sat down near the middle and grabbed the empty goblet in front of him to pour in some pumpkin juice for himself.
The only other Ravenclaw graduate that he knew was Rooney. Perhaps he should say a few words to him. Like...good luck becoming minister or something. He chuckled to himself and looked around until his dark brown eyes fell upon a book on the far end of the wall and on a pedestal. The seventh year memory book.
The seventeen year old rolled his eyes. What was he supposed to write in there? The only friend that he had made was Dora and well, he wasn't exactly good with words either. Perhaps he should just sign it. He couldn't leave without proof he had been here right?
Taking a sip from his pumpkin juice, Mason frowned as he thought deeply on whether or not if he should write in it or not.
It seemed surreal that her year abroad was coming to a close, but more than that was that her time as an Ilvermorny student was ending as well. Never in a million years did Louise imagine she would be spending her final closing feast at a school different from where she began seven years ago.
But as the brunette ended the Great Hall at Hogwarts, the Thunderbird realized that she wouldn't have changed a thing. Except maybe with certain actions during the IMPS competition, but that was in the past and while she was disappointed she hadn't won, she knew that Kyle deserved the win and was excited to see her school win. Smart one, that wizard was and she just knew he would go far.
Now, where to sit? When she arrived at what seemed like eternity ago now, she had chosen to sit at the Gryffindor table since it seemed that was where the party was; well, at least Khalil and Maddox made it seem that way. Ironically enough, tonight she was one of the first Ilvermorny students to have made it from the beetle which meant what? She chose where the party started today?
The eighteen year old rested her dark eyes up at the staff dias for just a brief moment, as she found the green eyes of the Hogwarts Librarian. A brief nod of acknowledgement as her feet progressed her forward toward the table of studious Ravenclaws. And the only other seventh year who had been in the competition, which even though they were both bested by younger students, Louise had a feeling it was not based on skill alone. At least she hoped so, given that she was graduating. She herself blamed it on being too impulsive and not thinking properly before acting. They had both been one of sixteen students chosen, which spoke volumes in itself.
"Congratulations on graduating," Louise said, as she slipped onto the bench next to the boy.
"So what's next for you?"