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Old 08-03-2017, 03:03 AM   #99 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Given her good mood at the start of the lesson, Sam was having some issues with the intent of the spell. She didn't really want to make the willow cry, even if it might be for a good cause. And she did trust Myers enough to know that he wouldn't willingly hurt a plant. Regardless, as a result of her hesitancy, her vial was filling rather slowly and she probably had to use more of the charms than would have been necessary if her intent had been more confident. ”Maeroro!” She drew the sad face in the air as she said it, holding the vial up to catch that precious, precious tear.

A half vial wasn't bad, she supposed.

But now they got to make an amber seed? That was cool, and although she had an idea where she might like to plant it, she also liked the idea of keeping the seed as was too. Picking up a dropper, Sam carefully transferred a single drop of the tears to the palm of her hand, and let it sit there a moment. Curiously, it stayed in the droplet shape even when she moved her hand around slightly. Cool surface tension properties, apparently.

But better to dry it sooner rather than later, for fear of spilling it. Picking up her wand once more, she cast the drying spell first time. She watched closely as the little tear dehydrated and became harder. How awesome was it that a huge tree could grow from something so tiny? Sam thought it was, anyways.

Next problem: where to put it to keep it safe?
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