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Old 08-02-2017, 07:29 PM   #97 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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She had totally gotten the willow to weep a good number of tears into her vial. Totally. Listening to the professor for a moment she then turned her attention to the vial, holding it up toward the light. Yes. Okay, she could totally do this.

Grabbing her dropper, the Gryffindor made quick work of sucking up some of the tears and then dropping out one in the palm of her free hand. Cool. Setting the dropper and vial aside, the blonde girl then flexed her right hand and wrist, thus sending her wand sliding effortlessly into her hand. Time for the drying spell. Quickly doing the wand movement, Dora nonverbally cast the spell and watched closely as the droplet became... amber in her palm. So was it like sap hardening? Only less sticky? 'Cause that's what it reminded her of.

Glancing about to see if anyone needed help she then focused back on the pot and trowel she had procured at some point. Awesome. Holding her wand between her teeth, the girl then used the trowel to dig a small hole be free dropping her seedling in. Cute little amber seed! Ugh!
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