Entry 1 :
I got to meet Fluffy for the first time today. I'd never really interacted with Puffskein before but this was an altogether entirely new experience and it was lovely, to say the least. I wasn't sure what to name him at first but I wanted to come up with something that would suit him and the way he looked.. so, Fluffy.
Post 1
Entry 2:
The more time I got to spend with Fluffy, the more I wanted him with me all the time. He had the tendency to make me feel extremely relaxed, to not have to worry about schoolwork or exams for just that one hour or so and it made such a difference. Who would have thought that we'd have gotten along so well? I definitely didn't. And he had started to recognise me somehow? I regularly cleaned his surroundings and brought him food, which only made him like me better.. I think? Or maybe he liked me singing to him? Even thought I don't have a very good singing voice.
Post 2
Entry 3:
I wanted to spend some extra time with my precious Fluffy today.. so I decided to give him a bath. I wasn't sure how Puffskein reacted to water since I hadn't really done enough research on them but I decided to take a chance, anyway. Turned out, my guess was right. Fluffy seemed to love playing in the water.. and watching him enjoying himself only made me even more happy. Also, I had learnt that Fluffy seemed to make this odd humming sound whenever he was content.. especially when I brushed his thick hair. I wished I could have spent a lot more time bonding with him but then again, OWLs were approaching and I simply didn't have the extra time. Unfortunately.
Post 3
Entry 4
I ended up running a little late today.. and Fluffy was asleep. I'd brought textbooks along so I decided to get some reading done while I watched him sleeping peacefully but the most amazing part was that the second he'd woken up, he started to waddle towards me! Of course, it was obvious that he would properly recognise me at this point but to actually watch him crawl into my lap literally made my day. He really was the most adorable little thing. I've learnt a lot about Puffskein, thanks to Fluffy. They actually aren't the messiest of creatures, they are quiet ( but oh-so-cute at the same time ) and most importantly.. they seem to be very friendly too. At least, Fluffy was. He really seemed to love me petting him, being around him, laughing with him.. I almost feel like he is part of me now.
Post 4
Entry 5
Today I noticed that Fluffy wasn't a baby anymore. He seemed to have grown up a little.. which only made her tear up a little. What if I don't get to see him anymore? Or adopt him? Frankly, after spending so much time with my Fluffy, I just can't imagine not being around him at all. And he really seemed to adore me too. I have really loved watching him grow and learn.. and I only hope that he'll get to be with me all the time.
Post 5