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Old 07-31-2017, 05:58 AM   #79 (permalink)

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Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler

The possible Dark professor continued his lecture while most of the class was still collecting tears, and Emmeline felt her heart pounding and her palms turn more and more clammy with every word the man spoke. So the tears weren't used for anything good at all! In fact, they could make people feel so horrible that it was hard to come back from the crushing sadness the tears forced on its victims. This was...worse than the first year had thought it would be.

She was starting to feel like a bad person for collecting these tears. She didn't see how something that made people so sad could possibly be used for good more than it could for evil, and the many uses that a potential Dark wizard could put these tears to made the Gryffindor shudder. Completely ignoring the glass vial that she'd worked on and was currently sitting beside her on the floor, the first year drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them -- essentially forming a brown ball. She felt like she was going to throw up, and maybe she deserved to throw up for collecting something so evil.

When the professor asked about possible uses for the tears, Emmeline answered quietly: "Maybe we should just leave the trees alone." With that, the eleven year old gripped her legs more tightly and curled up into an even smaller ball. She felt like she was a worm or or a dementor. Dementors made people super sad and miserable and that's exactly what these tears did too. Emmeline was more than half way tempted to throw her stupid vial of tears out, 'cept she was afraid that a person or creature would somehow swallow the evil liquid if she did. So she simply went back to staring dully at the tree in front of her and mentally counting down the minutes until the lesson would end and she could go visit her cruppy in the nursery barn.
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