#3 : Valentines, s'up ∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Fresh from his weekend out of school for important auditions, Rooney walked on down to the nursery to see Fiyero. It was rare that Rooney even went a day without seeing his Augurey and now he hadn't seen him since Friday and he worried that he would have forgotten who he was. Or that was just residual dramatics from his audition pieces. Roo was absolutely undeniably in love with Fiyero and no one could take that away from him. At least he didn't have to worry about his Augurey abandoning him and an engagement for some Slytherin loser. Fresh wound still, it seemed..
Bouquet of roses in his arms, Rooney grinned at the sight of Fiyero in his travel nest. He really had taken to it like a duck to water. The nest looked lived in and the Augurey had adjusted the brambles effectively to make the entry and exit size appropriate. How clever was Fiy! "Miss me, Fiy? I missed you. I also kissed Katy last week and forgot to mention it. So you can't tell anyone else." But it wasn't that big of a deal because it hadn't been their first kiss and it wasn't going to be their last, but Fiyero deserved to know. "I'm going to have to clean out your nest, bud. Come... I have food for you." This time, he split the selection of insects and flies he had with him between the unused cage and the floor of the nursery. That way Fiy could go to a place he was familiar with or just eat food. Or explore all together. That was the best part about all of this growing up. Fiyero was getting all of these new skills... Flying and crying and being the one constant in the Head Boy's life. Luckily the bird obliged and flew to the cage first to eat, it's green-like wings flapping only once to make the short distance there.
Rooney weaved the roses through the brambles delicately to not cut his hands up but also arranging them in a beautiful manner as quickly as possible because flower arranging and cleaning was too much to do in the time it would take for Fiy to eat up and then expect to be sang to. Wand through some of the brambles, Rooney cast. "Scourgify" He was glad that he had reinforced the bottom of the nest so that repetitive cleaning charms wouldn't ruin the hard work that had gone into it.
__________________ [Grimoire]__________________________________________________ ____________  |