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Old 07-30-2017, 05:09 PM   #45 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

Mackled Malaclaw
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Annaliese Toussaint
First Year

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Dani's Citrus Duck Spawn | Mama Giraffe | Lemon PATch | Pushed the Red Button

Originally Posted by Oesed View Post
Levi could not help but to turn to look at Nicholas Tate, in question. He surveyed the younger boy from head to toe, trying to do his best at being sneaky about the way in which he surveyed him from head to toe. If true, whatever wildness the Hufflepuff claimed to possess--or that would have rubbed off on him by his trips to the wild side, surely--was not easily spotted. "Really." He didn't sound dubious, though he could not help but to struggle against his eyebrows' need to shoot up. Gestures did speak louder than words, sometimes. "What's the wildest thing you've done, then?"

Grabbing a measuring cup, Levi pointed his wand at it and let a weak stream of aguamenti flow out. "I don't see why you wouldn't." He stopped the flow, watched him head over to fetch ingredients of his own. "What other effects are you looking for it to have? I brought over tulsi because it's meant to be relaxing." Confounding concoctions were unpredictable; it could make the drinker anxious and out of sorts, which could lead to violence. It was best to leave them confused but also perfectly at ease, if such a thing could even be achieved anyway.

He stopped the flow. and bent down low enough to be at eye level with the measuring cup. That looked like 500 millimeters to him. Or was it a little over the red line?

SPOILER!!: potions recipe
water (500mL)
jobberknoll feathers (2 barbs)
leeches (juiced; 1-2)

Bring water to a boil
Separate the barbs from the shafts of 2 jobberknoll feathers
Place barbs in boiling water and stir 12 times clockwise and 7 times counter-clockwise
Boil for 30 minutes
Add leech juice by squeezing one leech into the cauldron and stir in an unpredictable fashion
Keep stirring until potion should thickens (within 5 minutes)
If potion does not thicken after 10 minutes of stirring, add another leech and continue to stir unpredictably until thickened
If potion has still not thickened after an additional 10 minutes, start another brew.
A sheepish smile played on his lips. Speaking in jest was rare for Nicky, so Levi's skepticism was unsurprising. "I was joking. Though I did once explode my mam's tea table with a rocket launcher." Her garden furniture bore the brunt of it, anyway; the house had only been a little bit on fire.

"Perhaps I could go for more effective in general." Rather than try to engineer the potion to serve different interests, he could work on strengthening the results. This particular recipe had never made sense to Nicholas— jobberknoll feathers were traditionally used to make memories more accessible, which directly contrasted an end goal of confusion. Maybe it had something to do with separating the shaft and barbs? He wasn't sure.

But what fun was certainty? "Lovage? It causes brain inflammation, right?" The OWL studying had to have paid off somewhat. "If it's only slight, it should add a mental fog." And he wasn't too worried about its knack for inducing belligerence, considering that was drawn out by other ingredients.

The Hufflepuff glanced back at Levi, having located the leaves but wanting a second opinion. Whenever he was done with that meniscus.
and so i took an axe to a mended fence.___________________.______._________________

__________________________________..____this is why we can't have nice things, darling.
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