Text Cut: Zoryn, Irene, Evan
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“Okay, but if there’s any funny business… I’ve got a wand too,” in case she needed to warn the older girl. Y’never know. Not that Zoryn knew how to do any good spells yet anyway. She just felt the necessity to show the girl that she wasn’t afraid of anything, not even Valerie Gray and definitely not her. She wiggled her bum in the seat a little, looking up at the girl when she spoke once again. “Thanks, I know,” adorable was her most defining characteristic. It’s why most Professors couldn’t stay mad at her too long. Mhm.
The Gryffindor went back to watching the screens seeing as trying to read her Illvermornian neighbor failed to give her any information. OMG. They had to translate ANOTHER message? Boy, Zoryn really wanted to be playing in the challenges, but if all of them were about words then she sure was glad she wasn't allowed to enter. What a headache, for real.
It was then when she heard the older girl allow TWO other Illvermornians (Aurora Chae and Personified-Sunshine, Irene Avery) to join them in the stands. UH. RUDE. Zoryn was here FIRST and yet Louise was bringing along her entire posse before even asking. And though Louise had just announced that she was ‘team everyone lives’, Zoryn needed to set something straight. “Okay, but I’M team LEVI wins EVERYTHING,” So that ‘Kyle’ poster Aurora was holding wasn’t gonna fly.
How the heck did Zoryn get enveloped by an entire enemy crew, anyway? Mamma mia.
And whoever this Evan character was, Zoryn didn’t appreciate him joining either. “UM I mind a little!” The second year poked her head out from behind Louise. Again, HOW COME NO ONE ASKED HER??? SHE WAS HERE FIRST!!!
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Irene Avery
Louise couldn't have said words that rang more true. Team Everyone Lives. Irene beamed, nodding in agreement. "
I couldn't agree more." Seriously!? Could Louise be even cooler than she already was? Talk about #herogoals right here. Irene seriously looked up to Louise. Even though Louise wasn't winning this competition, this girl was incredible and truly was the champion of the tournament. She meant well always. She was an inspiration. "
I'm glad that we're all alive."
Hold up a sec! Did
Lachlan Wheeler just wink at her?

Irene was now a BRIGHT shade of red. Usually she wasn't too unnerved by people winking or glancing at her after all she had been an IMPS Competitor. Still.... She was flattered. And then there was a smile from
Jesus. How nice of them! She'd have to go say hi to her fellow schoolmates later for sure. They were Illvermornians and they had to stick together through thick and thin.
Jeremy was here too! Irene raised her eyebrows as she glanced at
Aurora and then back at Jeremy before she tried to even reply to his question. "
Cheering on most of the champions. As you can see from Aurora's sign, we're team Kyle... but I'm also cheering on Brent too and Levi. That kid is brilliant." And Valerie but she wouldn't utter that out loud at the moment. Anyway..... Back to the cuties here. JEREMY AND AURORA. Heh. She shipped them... like Fedex on a UPS truck, if you know what she meant

The two of them were just too freaking adorable! Seriously. She'd have to come up with some casual ruse to go get more snacks to leave the love birds alone.
AND WAS THAT A RUNESPOOR? Her eyes widened. WOAH. She had never seen one before. Three headed Snake.. Native to Africa. Merlin. She hated snakes..... She bit her lip. It was funny that she had such a great dislike for snakes, especially since her best friend was a Horned Serpent and her previous crush IS now a Slytherin..... Funny how the world worked, huh?
Just then
Zoryn piped up. HUH! Irene hadn't noticed little miss prankster sitting here. She smiled and listened as Zoryn admitted that she was Team Levi Kenning wins everything. Irene chuckled. "
What about Brent Westwood? He's Team Hogwarts too.." she mentioned with a curious eyebrow raise. "
Though I have to admit Levi Kenning is brilliant." Even she could see that. Brilliant.
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Evan grinned "Thanks.. I'll join on the back." The Ilvermorny guy said and approached the seat behind her Louise. "Hey, Irene!" He greeted the other girl too. Normally, he would watch this competition with her fellow Horned Serpents like Deo, Layla, Meagan, Maesi, or Manuela... But today, he hadn't seen any of them. Huh? One of their pal was down there fighting for glory, even though he wasn't really that closed with Kyle Baker.
But wait... There's a little person who minded him joining with his fellow Ilvermornian. Turns out, she was a Hogwarts student... who was a commentator last round, right? "I'm asking my friends, not you." The Korean-American said coolly. It's not that he's going to bother her at all. Ignoring the Hogwarts girl, Evan enjoyed his sriracha hot dog while his eyes paid attention to Kyle.
He wondered what would happen if one of those competitors didn't take ancient runes... Merlin, that would be a disaster!
Huh? Any funny business? Did this younger girl not realize that she was Louise Hamilton? While adept with her wand, she did not just go around randomly attacking people. She was older and wiser than most of the students here, which meant she knew about using magic for defense purposes, not practical jokes. Also, she had to crack a smile when the girl said all confidently that
she knew she was adorable.
"Louise Hamilton, by the way," she said just to show more friendliness and that she wasn't going to outright randomly throw spells at her, even though the girl if paying attention knew who she was anyway. She had been a competitor for 75% of the competition.
"And you are?"
Ah, so she was a Levi supporter? Louise didn't know much about the Hogwartians champions, except a little about Brent from his first three years at Ilvermorny, but she got the sense that the Hogwarts champions in general were more popular than the Ilvermorny ones. ALSO, she minded a little about Evan joining them? Why? Oh, cause she was surrounded by Ilvermorny students, probably and Louise suddenly felt guilty for sitting with her, because she hadn't expected her fellow classmates to readily join her so easily.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Louise muttered, apologetically. Really, she hadn't meant to offend, but she was just being nice. Like always. Curse her friendly demeanor.
Louise turned around to look at Irene when the younger girl agreed with her about Team Everyone Lives.
"Aw, thanks. I doubt they'd let any of us die, but I guess things do happen that go wrong." Example: Triwizard Tournament from nearly a century ago. But who knows? The championship was brutal and as her gaze flickered casually to the competitor's screens, she watched in horror as each of them tried differing tactics to defend themselves against the runespoor. And maybe it was because she had been a champion until the last challenge, but she also found herself simultaneously wondering what
she might do under the circumstances.
Other than panic. She didn't mind the heat terribly, as she'd grown accustomed to the southern heat in New Orleans and Atlanta, but the three-headed snake, combined with the runic translation. Although, the rune translation might not be that bad as she was okay with cryptic messages. And Transfiguration was definitely a strong point for her.
Her attention was brought back to the stands as she heard Irene babbling on about how Brent Westwood was Team Hogwarts too and she smiled, wondering how much of the fifth year Irene even remembered? Sure they were in the same year, but they were different houses and they both young when he moved across the pond. But maybe she associated with all her yearmates? She was a pukwudgie, which suited Irene's cheerful disposition well, if Louise was being honest, which also meant she probably did get along with everyone. Even the 'warrior house'.
"They're all brilliant. All four of them." She chimed in. They wouldn't have made it to the final four, if they hadn't been.
Ah, see, he was joining behind them! So not too bad, young Hogswartian! It wouldn't infringe too much on your space, hopefully, being behind them. She smiled at him, when he said he was asking his friends, not her. Actually, that was kind of rude of him to say.
"Evan." Louise said cooly, in a warning tone. She promised her new young Hogswarts friend she would look after her and she didn't need any remarks to set her off.
And back to the screens, just in time to see Brent slumping into a chair in the front row, with Levi right behind him. For Ilvermorny champions lasting longer than Hogswarts, the two remaining Hogswarts champions had proved themselves to be quite adept and Louise couldn't help but admire and feel proud of them.
Sitting forward in her seat to observe them, she noticed the Hogswarts healer was by them in no time. And then Valerie and Kyle had made their way through and Louise couldn't help but glance at the time to notice that all four had finished in just under an hour. Brilliant of them, really. Only.... Valerie.
Sure the Wampus didn't really care much for her, but it was Louise's nature to care for just about everyone. So when the sixth year collapsed, the Thunderbird
ALMOST found herself out of her seat, but stopped herself when the healer was there. It was his territory, after all. So instead she sat back down and just watched. The girl was brilliant, but she didn't stand for the heat as much as some of her fellow Ilvermorny students, so perhaps it was just heat stroke. She was tough; she would be okay, wouldn't she? And despite her being 'Team Everyone Lives', suddenly, she found herself hoping Valerie would pull out the win.