Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler
The first year shot Zoryn a smile and promptly poked the older girl back. She also sent Stasya a huge smile when she came in, really hoping that her best friend was okay today. A few lessons had gotten to Stasya recently and Emmeline hoped this wouldn't be another bad one. Admittedly, most of those same lessons had gotten to her too, so it wasn't just Stasya.
The potentially Dark wizard professor immediately launched into a super sad story about the pretty tree's beginnings. That definitely counted against him in Emmeline's investigation. Normal professors weren't so happy when they told super sad stories, nope. AND he wanted ideas on how to make the tree even sadder! Well, she would not be helping with an evil plan like that! Emmeline made a stern, disapproving face as she stared at the professor suspiciously.
Except, then Zoryn's answer made her burst into a fit of giggles and she couldn't really recapture her dark looks after that. She still didn't want to offer up any ideas on how to make the pretty tree sad, though.
Last edited by NifflerFan; 07-27-2017 at 08:42 AM.
Reason: Misspelled something