Etta got smiles and waves... and Noelle. Well, she got a nod. They weren't exactly friends, were they? She didn't think so anyway. The
Prefect hadn't spoken to her... in like two terms now. Not that it bothered Dora, but like... it did at the same time. She was besties with that retched girl so the wedge had definitely been driven between them.
Nod nod nod.
SPOILER!!: Mini Dora Boo
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Zoryn did NOT wanna be here because she had recently found out that showing up to Herbology wasn't a matter of choice, it was a matter of 'must'. It was always when one was told not to do a thing, when Zoryn wanted to do it most. And what she wanted to do the most at the current moment was skip Herbology. Of course it was hard to avoid all of the Professors in the castle and eventually she had managed to get shooed out for class. And despite how appealing roaming the grounds by herself sounded at first, Zoryn got bored after the first two minutes of doing so. And thus, long story short, she made her way to greenhouse three.
As she walked in, she made to a quick scan of the area, her eyes falling upon one Dora Umbridge right away. "Hi Professor," she gave him a wave as she jumped over his legs. "Super lacrimoneous," she agreed despite having NO IDEA what that word meant. She wanted him to think she knew though 'cause the Gryffindor didn't want to look dumb.
After greeting her Professor, she sidled up to the older Gryffindor and slid down to sit next to her. "Psssssssst Dora," this was IMPORTANT. "What does lacrimoneous mean?" Also HEHEHE some of the branches were moving along her back and IT TICKLED.
Dora liked that little one. Little nugget she was. GAWD.
Not that her face let that be known. Nope. She simply got a smile and a wave as she plopped down beside her. Lacrimoneous. Dora couldn't help but snort. "
It's not even a word... unless he was trying to say it lacks acrimony. Which would mean that it is gentle natured or whatever. Which... I think is definitely a thing with this tree."And well... Myers may have very well been trying to just make a funny. Not that he often succeeded at that. Nope.
Dora moved one of the branches at Zoryn playfully. Focus on the pretty tree, girl. It was PRETTY.
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Following the other students out of the castle and towards the greenhouses for another herbology lesson, Mason hoisted his school bag higher on his shoulder as the strap kept sliding down. Eventually, he took off his back from his shoulder and held it in his arms. He would fix the thing when he was inside the classroom.
The room today seemed to be greenhouse three and Mason’s interest despite not really enjoying the subject he was bad at it peeked a little bit. The third greenhouse had more dangerous plants and….well that was the only reason why he became interested.
Entering the room, Mason looked around and spotted Dora. He hadn’t spoken to her in a long time and he wondered how she was. She wasn’t an IMPS competitor anymore. But before he walked towards her and the other Gryffindor (Zoryn), the Ravenclaw turned his attention first to the professor.
“I think you mean acrimonious, sir…..which would be fitting if it is the Whomping Willow’s cousin” he trailed off and awkwardly scratched the back of his none itching neck “Sorry….” He mumbled before moving towards Dora quickly. “Hi”
Dora's eyes had no sooner left Zoryn that she found Mason walking in. Mason. Dora was still shocked by their unlikely friendship. Heh. But Mason was good people and had been a huge part of her support system during the term (not that she had much of one to begin with). Patting the floor beside her she offered a huge smile. Laughter erupted from her when Mason corrected Myers. See, Zoryn... it wasn't a word.
How have you been?" she asked quietly as she leaned into his side briefly. BRIEFLY. She knew how he was about physical contact. Not that she STILL particularly cared. Hehe.
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Had that tree been in here before? She tried to think back to their last lesson in Greenhouse Three, but couldn't recall. Either way, she was a fan of willows...both the whomping and the weeping kind. She assumed they were related, somehow, but if this wasn't the mundane sort, it couldn't be too vicious, being here like this in Myers' precious greenhouse.
And talking of the man, Sam grinned and gave him a friendly wave. "Hi Professor!" Herbology was one of the subjects she actually felt pretty prepared for both the theory AND the practical parts of her OWL, and she was looking forward to less note-taking and more enjoying in this class. She'd also had the best night's sleep in aaaages, thanks to Dora's dreamless sleep potion.
All was set for an AWESOME lesson.
And then her eyes landed on the bestie. Dora motioned her over. She was TOTALLY going to sit with them, right? And she looked well rested so that was a good sign. But furthermore, she knew that Sam LOVED Herbology and was always excited for it. So come share some of that positivity, bestie!