Katy, and then joining in the tournament debate Mischievous Niffler
Kitty felt admiration for several of her classmates when they said that they thought there should be a way to cure Muggles, even if they supported the Statute While she herself wanted the Statute completely repealed, she could appreciate and welcome their concern for at least one part of the Statute.
But Katy's attacks on her hero Carlotta made her want to cover her ears and start humming. Of course she didn't do that, but she could feel her anger levels rising as Katy accused Carlotta of not caring about Muggles and being selfish. To stop herself from retorting back angrily, she focused on one of the open windows and breathed like how her Yoga instructor taught her to. When she felt calm again, she turned to address Katy in as sweet a voice as she could. "But Katy, I was just wondering how else was she supposed to get people to notice her cause? If she hadn't broken any laws then the newspapers wouldn't have written about her and we wouldn't know as much as we do." That wasn't selfish! Kitty was planning to do the exact same thing when she graduated.
Then Derf raised his hand and made a very perfect point. Melbourne and Emmeline soon joined in, and Kitty decided she would to. "I agree with them," she said, raising her hand. "Why is it fair when Muggles are put in danger for our entertainment and then have their memories wiped?" She understood why Valerie and the others were so angry over that.
Last edited by Goblinfrog; 07-24-2017 at 08:54 PM.