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Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
Posts: 214,457
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dhruv Vihaan Khanna Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Idris Ace Grunt Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Krittika Saanvi Joshi Ravenclaw Sixth Year
x12 x12
| ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Silent Kiddos! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Zoryn was already bored. Though, when she thought a debate was about to break out her head did perk up JUST A BIT. But OF COURSE the Professors had to ruin any chance of good entertainment. Zoryn was highly disappointed. So she sat and stared off into space for a little bit.
She did snap back into reality when a new question was posed, but it wasn't actually until after the question was posed when she came back to reality. So uh, what was the question again?
Something about the statute, she was sure.
Were they seriously still talking about this?
Also, when were they gonna talk about how the two subjects were actually related? 'Cause History of Magic and Muggle Studies were definitely two very unrelated things.
Though.... Maybe she would've known why if she had been paying attention? Naaaaaaaaaah. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Nicholas certainly had an opinion on the question posed, but the last bit of the professor's statement caught his ear. Respect others' opinions? Honestly, HOW was he supposed to do that while giving his own unfiltered one?
It was impossible. He'd have to sit this out.
So, the Hufflepuff listened in silence to his classmates' answers and judged everybody who was thinking WRONG. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Nicholas certainly had an opinion on the question posed, but the last bit of the professor's statement caught his ear. Respect others' opinions? Honestly, HOW was he supposed to do that while giving his own unfiltered one?
It was impossible. He'd have to sit this out.
So, the Hufflepuff listened in silence to his classmates' answers and judged everybody who was thinking WRONG. Quote:
Originally Posted by RandomRaven This lesson started to get boring, really. Maybe because she just had no idea what they were talking about, huh. Ava had ever heard about Carlotta Pinkperson or whatever her last name was, but it's just from the chocolate frog card. Nothing else. And also, she didn't really want to give an opinion about the statute because... 1) This was one of those moments where Ava would rather to kept her mouth shut to avoid saying something that clearly, she didn't understand and 2) She just didn't want to. Either Ava didn't have interest in History stuffs because she failed her OWL or she failed her OWL because she didn't have interest in History at all.
Luckily that she chose to sit on the corner so... The Gryffindor rested her head on the desk and avoided the discussion. Lalalalala~ Just keep swimming discussing and don't mind her at all.
Based on previous lesson trends, Kay had made it her priority today to keep an eye on Zoryn. She was not surprised to see the Gryffindor becoming spaced out as time went along. “Ms Spinnet. If you would please pay attention? You could miss vital information for your own knowledge not to mention exams.’’
Yes, she also did notice the other silent ones. Not expecting them to answer every single question posed, she did expect them to make careful notes. SPOILER!!: Opinions about the Statute! Quote:
Originally Posted by Charely Potter Sure, Kirk recognised the name from one of his batches of chocolate frogs. He couldn't remember all the details though on the back... Until the Professor mentioned the Statues. It peeked a bit of flashback on some of the card's details in his head now.
"She challenged the Statute, that I know. I can't imagine throwing spells everywhere without upsetting enough people who couldn't do it like her." Seemed unfair either way whatever the solution. So what else could he say without spinning in circles? He looked thoughtful at some ideas in his head again. Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog Kitty perked up. So they were going to discuss repealing the statute after all? Perfect! She raised her hand. "Carlotta Pinkstone was the most famous advocate for repealing the Statue of Secrecy. She was born in 1922 and attended Hogwarts when Professor Dippett was headmaster. She was imprisoned many times for her activism, but this never dampened her strong will and passion for justice. Someday I hope to continue where she left off. She is one of my heroes."
Here she stopped to take a break for air. Whew! Then she went on to answer the second question: "The Statute was needed a long time ago, but now I believe it is just a vehicle of oppression, both for us and for Muggles. It is oppressive to us because it forces us to suppress our true selves and it punishes us for being open with our neighbors. It is oppressive to Muggles because it keeps them in the dark and prevents them from getting the best medical cures available, since we can't use magic to help them. Of course there are some bad Muggles and some bad wizards, but why should all of us have to suffer because of them? If we are honest with ourselves, then we would know that teaching that Muggles are to be feared will only lead to more intolerance." Quote:
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime Mel smiled up at Professor Newton as she greeted her. ”Thank you Professor Newton! I’m glad to be here” she smiled brightly at the history of magic Professor. The question that came up made Mel wince – she knew, knew that this could start issues. It always seemed to.
The way that Professor Newton said she didn’t want a heated debate just made Melbourne sigh. Thank merlin she grinned to herself as she listened to everyone’s insightful ideas. Like Dora Mel didn’t need to speak or to bring up anything about the utter mess that this class could become. Still when Professor Newton began to speak she immediately responded not by speaking but by note taking.
It was when Kirk greeted her that Mel couldn’t help but beam at him. Glancing over at Kirk she just raised an eyebrow as he started doodling and grinned…she’d have to pester him about seeing his sketches and doodles later. He was always to good at them. Professor Stewart got a GIANT grin when she welcomed her back to the class. ”I hope so too Professor, and I doubt that I will. I’ve been making sure to get regular sleep” she explained with a grin…and that was when she heard the question.
Raising her hand the Gryffindor girl just grinned brightly. ”Miss Pinkstone, if I do remember was born around 1922 and is noted as being an activist that campaigned for the lifting of the statute of secrecy” she grinned and sent a look over to Kitty wondering if she would speak up herself. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Etta neatly noted down what was being said, careful not to miss anything. She'd need all of the study material for OWLs after all.. OWLs. They were just around the corner but she felt like she wasn't prepared at all. And the panic was starting again. She took deep breaths and concentrated on what was being discussed in class, not wanting to stress about exams at the moment. Wrong time. Okay.. so what was the question again? Right. Carlotta Pinkstone. She raised a hand to answer. "From what I've read, she was very keen on integrating the magical and muggle communities as well.. right? And I personally think the Statute is needed.. or necessary to maintain peace and stability between both the communities because completely mixing them might.. result in conflict or a difference of opinion." Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 As her classmates gave their answers and Professor Newton discussed the topic, Shay took notes. She tried her best to keep up with the conversation, writing down the key points as they went along. Then it was Professor Stewart's turn to tie in the Muggle Studies part of things. And a two part question was on the floor. The first one was pretty straightforward. The second one, well that was a matter of opinion and that was something that her classmates had no shortage of.
Shay raised her hand and when she was called on, she added her two cents to the conversation. "Carlotta Pinkstone spent some time in Azkaban because she repeatedly did magic in front of muggles. She believed that it was the right thing to do. Whether you agree with her or not, I guess you have to admire her for standing up for what she believed." Shay did not necessarily agree with the woman, but she could see where she was coming from........which led to her next answer. "As for the Statute........I think in a perfect world, it would be great if we could repeal it. Wizards and muggles living together in harmony." Shay, however, was not so naive as to believe that this was possible in today's world. When had she become so jaded? "Outside of Hogwarts, I live in the muggle world and right now, I don't see that happening. Some muggles today aren't completely accepting of muggles of other races, religions and cultures. How can we think that they will be accepting of us? I also think that some wizards aren't quite ready to accept muggles either. Someday maybe the statute won't be necessary, but today? I don't think that's the case." Someday. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Clause 73, right. That was a number that he actually remembered. Then again it was easier to remember things when it involved creatures. Selective memory and what not. Jotting down just a few notes since nothing they were discussing was reaaaaaally anything not found in pages in his textbook, Derf looked up when Professor Stewart spoke.
Oh boy...here we go again...
Derf was tempted to just stick his fingers in his ear and hum loudly to ignore the arguing that was likely to come like last time. Huh, they had been talking about the Statute a lot...hadn't they? Hmmm...
As for Carlotta Pinkstone...well...Derf had three chocolate frog cards of her in his collection and he had read over the information several times but nothing really stuck. No offense to the woman or anything, she just wasn't someone who his mind thought particularly memorable. "She went to Hogwarts too," he offered lamely. There. Fact shared.
As for his opinion on the whole Statute...well...if it helped keep creatures safe he was rather content. "I think...it's kinda scary how his-storically those that have wanted to repeal it have been kinda...extreme...acted extremely, you know?" Like the lady they were talking about. She ended up in Azkaban for Newt's sake! "Like...The Cult of Walpurgis...Grindelwald...dunno...it kinda paints a not so good image of what our world would be like if it were gone..." Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline So she had a good guess but wasn’t going to get a yes or no confirmation on what the class had to deal with, at least from Newton out of the two professors. Nope…Professor Stewart seemed to agree. Fine by Cassie, she and the rest of the students in today’s class would find out soon enough. And soon enough the lesson was begin with brief attention brought to the three words on the board before Professor Newton Asked about the Statute of Secrecy. Right off the bat, Kitty gave a pretty thorough explanation concerning the legislation that played such an everyday yet important part in the wizarding world. Though the prefect went further, stating how she felt the Statute should be repealed. Uh oh…Cass thought as a first year Gryffindor spoke up in defense. She knew from her father’s stories how topics like this could become quite heated. Thankfully Newton stepped in to try and keep it a calm discussion which seemed to work well enough. There was still plenty else to speak of on the matter though the Ravenclaw wasn’t quite sure what she could add. Another young Gryffindor’s, Derfael if she caught it correctly, words caught her attention however. Used to head Accidents and Catastrophe? Did he work with her father?
Right…she needed to just pay attention to what was being said, catching anything she wasn’t readily aware of. Both known and unknown being caught and written into her notes. History of her world and all. The mention of Deatheaters brought Cass back to her original thoughts on a connection to the war or wars with Voldemort. When the debate on the Statute was reopened, the fifth year braced herself. Kitty remained adamant and a few others followed. However there was a decent amount that thought that while it would be great if it could be repealed , it wasn’t ideal. And then there was Derfael again…mentioning the Cult of Walpurgis!
She remembered that, reading from something she might not have supposed to be privy too from her father’s past. The fight that ended just before she herself had been born. “Pinkstone favored appealing the Statute of Secrecy. I feel at the most, perhaps amendments might be made to adjust certain strictures.” Like the ones pertaining to relationships and muggleborn families. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin The Ravenclaw prefect got some serious eye-rolling, but Katy had learned her lesson. In this very classroom, actually. Besides, other people were allowed to share their opinions, no matter how wrong, and they were allowed to have heroes who were nothing more than rabblerousers, if they couldn't find someone respectable to admire.
So. Katy raised her hand. "Professor...s. Carlotta Pinkstone chose to oppose the Statute by actively breaking it, and she was imprisoned several times for her efforts. She sort of cared more about her agenda than about who she hurt, since the Muggles who witnessed her lawbreaking had to be bespelled to lose that memory. Who knows what else they lost? It was pretty selfish of her." The one thing she knew about a cause was that it was never more important than the people stepped over along the way. And this was from a particularly self-involved Toussaint.
As for the Statute... "And I agree with Ms. Morrison. In a perfect world, we wouldn't have to protect ourselves from Muggles. Everyone's better nature would prevail. In practice, though, no one's better nature is prevailing. We still require society that is separate and hidden from those who would persecute and subjugate us for our differences." “Excellent! You are all correct. Carlotta was indeed born in 1922. She was a rather powerful witch, capable of wandless magic. She would purposely use magic in public and in the presence of muggles. This lead her to be convicted and sentenced to time in Azkaban multiple times.’’
Kay moved back to Rose’s desk where she picked up a card. It was just not any card but one displaying Carlotta. She held it up for the class to catch a glimpse. “I am certain many of you have seen Carlotta’s card but in case you haven’t… as you can see, she’s pictured with her hands in shackles while still doing magic.’’ Wandless magic, mnd you. SPOILER!!: About Carlotta! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog Kitty perked up. So they were going to discuss repealing the statute after all? Perfect! She raised her hand. "Carlotta Pinkstone was the most famous advocate for repealing the Statue of Secrecy. She was born in 1922 and attended Hogwarts when Professor Dippett was headmaster. She was imprisoned many times for her activism, but this never dampened her strong will and passion for justice. Someday I hope to continue where she left off. She is one of my heroes."
Here she stopped to take a break for air. Whew! Then she went on to answer the second question: "The Statute was needed a long time ago, but now I believe it is just a vehicle of oppression, both for us and for Muggles. It is oppressive to us because it forces us to suppress our true selves and it punishes us for being open with our neighbors. It is oppressive to Muggles because it keeps them in the dark and prevents them from getting the best medical cures available, since we can't use magic to help them. Of course there are some bad Muggles and some bad wizards, but why should all of us have to suffer because of them? If we are honest with ourselves, then we would know that teaching that Muggles are to be feared will only lead to more intolerance." Quote:
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime Mel smiled up at Professor Newton as she greeted her. ”Thank you Professor Newton! I’m glad to be here” she smiled brightly at the history of magic Professor. The question that came up made Mel wince – she knew, knew that this could start issues. It always seemed to.
The way that Professor Newton said she didn’t want a heated debate just made Melbourne sigh. Thank merlin she grinned to herself as she listened to everyone’s insightful ideas. Like Dora Mel didn’t need to speak or to bring up anything about the utter mess that this class could become. Still when Professor Newton began to speak she immediately responded not by speaking but by note taking.
It was when Kirk greeted her that Mel couldn’t help but beam at him. Glancing over at Kirk she just raised an eyebrow as he started doodling and grinned…she’d have to pester him about seeing his sketches and doodles later. He was always to good at them. Professor Stewart got a GIANT grin when she welcomed her back to the class. ”I hope so too Professor, and I doubt that I will. I’ve been making sure to get regular sleep” she explained with a grin…and that was when she heard the question.
Raising her hand the Gryffindor girl just grinned brightly. ”Miss Pinkstone, if I do remember was born around 1922 and is noted as being an activist that campaigned for the lifting of the statute of secrecy” she grinned and sent a look over to Kitty wondering if she would speak up herself. Quote:
Originally Posted by NifflerFan As soon as Professor Newton told them not to be debating and stuff, Emmeline made a "zipping her lips" motion and then flashed the history professor an apologetic smile. She thought Miss Ravenclaw Prefect was wrong about some things, but she didn't want to hurt the older girl's feelings or anything. She noticed Miss Olivia's nod and grinned at her too.
All of her smiles faded as soon as Derf started talking. His story about the crups was super, way too sad for the first year. She couldn't help thinking of Sirius, all grown up and sneaking out into a nearby Muggle area and getting caught by the vicious dog catchers and--
Emmeline gulped. She knew that if Professor Wayland let her adopt Sirius, it would be up to her to make sure that he was never, ever around Muggles. Crups couldn't help hating Muggles, after all. She wasn't sure why Muggles had dog catchers anyway, but she couldn't really blame them for picking up what they thought were mean dogs either. It was a super, super sad situation all around, mhm. She hadn't thought about the statute protecting creatures before, but now that she thought about it, of course it did. Even some wizards were scared of some magical creatures, so of course they had to keep them away from Muggles. To keep the creatures AND Muggles safe, mhm.
Thinking about crups and stuff had caused the first year to pretty much zone out through the rest of Professor Newton's talking. It was a biiiig effort to zone back in when Professor Stewart started her talking. She didn't know who Carlotta Pinkstone was, but she had a pretty name. Maybe Miss Ravenclaw Prefect looked up to her or something? Emmeline liked some Great Witches and Wizards from the past too. She didn't know anything about the Pinkstone lady, and she'd already told her opinion about the statute earlier, but she raised her hand anyway 'cause she wanted to see what Professor Stewart thought: "I think the statute thingy needs to stay in place to keep everybody safer from each other and creatures too and stuff. But but, Miss Ravenclaw Prefect is right and we should try to help Muggles too." Muggles were people too, and Emmeline felt bad for them 'cause they hadn't been born with magic for some reason. She wondered why only SOME people were born with magic, and scribbled the question down in her notes. She'd ask Professor Stewart after the lesson maybe. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Wait, wait, hadn't Professor Newton told them to NOT talk about opinions on whether they should be repealing the statute or not? And now Professor Stewart was asking for their opinions??? Well she was asking about Carlotta Pinkstone, but also for their opinions. And this was just quite the contradictory lesson thus far, which on some level made sense since muggles versus wizardkind was like a walking contradiction. Of course, Kitty would perk up again at the chance to offer her very opinionated side to why the statute should be repealed. And if she had to guess, Carlotta was probably the older girl's idol. She could see the headlines now: "Kitty Valentine: the NEW Pinkstone" Or maybe, "A new activist in sight: Kitty Valentine". Whatever. It wasn't her life and as long as the Prefect didn't try to jeopardize anything in her life, she could care less what she got her hands into.
She should probably say something, yes?
Not having anything to add about Carlotta, Skylar chose to add her opinions, "I think that while society has come a long way in the last four hundred years, there are still a lot of prejudiced folk out there. On both sides, muggles and magical folk. And before we can even consider repeals of statutes, or of revealing our true selves, there needs to be greater education and compassion." Yes, some might argue that you won't get education without proof, but ... "Sharing our secret means that muggles would want to know everything. And I don't think as a wizarding community we should have to reveal everything because we would be putting our own lives in danger. Some things are better left in the dark. We could still help muggles with medicinal cures, without telling them how to do it, I'm not saying to let muggles suffer... but we just don't have to spill the secrets. We can integrate, without revealing. There's no reason to tell them the how." Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Etta neatly noted down what was being said, careful not to miss anything. She'd need all of the study material for OWLs after all.. OWLs. They were just around the corner but she felt like she wasn't prepared at all. And the panic was starting again. She took deep breaths and concentrated on what was being discussed in class, not wanting to stress about exams at the moment. Wrong time. Okay.. so what was the question again? Right. Carlotta Pinkstone. She raised a hand to answer. "From what I've read, she was very keen on integrating the magical and muggle communities as well.. right? And I personally think the Statute is needed.. or necessary to maintain peace and stability between both the communities because completely mixing them might.. result in conflict or a difference of opinion." Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 As her classmates gave their answers and Professor Newton discussed the topic, Shay took notes. She tried her best to keep up with the conversation, writing down the key points as they went along. Then it was Professor Stewart's turn to tie in the Muggle Studies part of things. And a two part question was on the floor. The first one was pretty straightforward. The second one, well that was a matter of opinion and that was something that her classmates had no shortage of.
Shay raised her hand and when she was called on, she added her two cents to the conversation. "Carlotta Pinkstone spent some time in Azkaban because she repeatedly did magic in front of muggles. She believed that it was the right thing to do. Whether you agree with her or not, I guess you have to admire her for standing up for what she believed." Shay did not necessarily agree with the woman, but she could see where she was coming from........which led to her next answer. "As for the Statute........I think in a perfect world, it would be great if we could repeal it. Wizards and muggles living together in harmony." Shay, however, was not so naive as to believe that this was possible in today's world. When had she become so jaded? "Outside of Hogwarts, I live in the muggle world and right now, I don't see that happening. Some muggles today aren't completely accepting of muggles of other races, religions and cultures. How can we think that they will be accepting of us? I also think that some wizards aren't quite ready to accept muggles either. Someday maybe the statute won't be necessary, but today? I don't think that's the case." Someday. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Clause 73, right. That was a number that he actually remembered. Then again it was easier to remember things when it involved creatures. Selective memory and what not. Jotting down just a few notes since nothing they were discussing was reaaaaaally anything not found in pages in his textbook, Derf looked up when Professor Stewart spoke.
Oh boy...here we go again...
Derf was tempted to just stick his fingers in his ear and hum loudly to ignore the arguing that was likely to come like last time. Huh, they had been talking about the Statute a lot...hadn't they? Hmmm...
As for Carlotta Pinkstone...well...Derf had three chocolate frog cards of her in his collection and he had read over the information several times but nothing really stuck. No offense to the woman or anything, she just wasn't someone who his mind thought particularly memorable. "She went to Hogwarts too," he offered lamely. There. Fact shared.
As for his opinion on the whole Statute...well...if it helped keep creatures safe he was rather content. "I think...it's kinda scary how his-storically those that have wanted to repeal it have been kinda...extreme...acted extremely, you know?" Like the lady they were talking about. She ended up in Azkaban for Newt's sake! "Like...The Cult of Walpurgis...Grindelwald...dunno...it kinda paints a not so good image of what our world would be like if it were gone..." Quote:
Originally Posted by Kayla Taaffe The Statute was very important to Viv. Being Muggle-born, she could never perform magic unless in the case of an emergency. She raised her hand and said "There was Harry Potter when he saved his cousin Dudley against those ghastly Dementors! Also, Carlotta campaigned for the Ministry to lift up the Statute. I think the Statue is important. I am a Muggle-born and magic should not be presented in front of muggles." Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline So she had a good guess but wasn’t going to get a yes or no confirmation on what the class had to deal with, at least from Newton out of the two professors. Nope…Professor Stewart seemed to agree. Fine by Cassie, she and the rest of the students in today’s class would find out soon enough. And soon enough the lesson was begin with brief attention brought to the three words on the board before Professor Newton Asked about the Statute of Secrecy. Right off the bat, Kitty gave a pretty thorough explanation concerning the legislation that played such an everyday yet important part in the wizarding world. Though the prefect went further, stating how she felt the Statute should be repealed. Uh oh…Cass thought as a first year Gryffindor spoke up in defense. She knew from her father’s stories how topics like this could become quite heated. Thankfully Newton stepped in to try and keep it a calm discussion which seemed to work well enough. There was still plenty else to speak of on the matter though the Ravenclaw wasn’t quite sure what she could add. Another young Gryffindor’s, Derfael if she caught it correctly, words caught her attention however. Used to head Accidents and Catastrophe? Did he work with her father?
Right…she needed to just pay attention to what was being said, catching anything she wasn’t readily aware of. Both known and unknown being caught and written into her notes. History of her world and all. The mention of Deatheaters brought Cass back to her original thoughts on a connection to the war or wars with Voldemort. When the debate on the Statute was reopened, the fifth year braced herself. Kitty remained adamant and a few others followed. However there was a decent amount that thought that while it would be great if it could be repealed , it wasn’t ideal. And then there was Derfael again…mentioning the Cult of Walpurgis!
She remembered that, reading from something she might not have supposed to be privy too from her father’s past. The fight that ended just before she herself had been born. “Pinkstone favored appealing the Statute of Secrecy. I feel at the most, perhaps amendments might be made to adjust certain strictures.” Like the ones pertaining to relationships and muggleborn families. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin The Ravenclaw prefect got some serious eye-rolling, but Katy had learned her lesson. In this very classroom, actually. Besides, other people were allowed to share their opinions, no matter how wrong, and they were allowed to have heroes who were nothing more than rabblerousers, if they couldn't find someone respectable to admire.
So. Katy raised her hand. "Professor...s. Carlotta Pinkstone chose to oppose the Statute by actively breaking it, and she was imprisoned several times for her efforts. She sort of cared more about her agenda than about who she hurt, since the Muggles who witnessed her lawbreaking had to be bespelled to lose that memory. Who knows what else they lost? It was pretty selfish of her." The one thing she knew about a cause was that it was never more important than the people stepped over along the way. And this was from a particularly self-involved Toussaint.
As for the Statute... "And I agree with Ms. Morrison. In a perfect world, we wouldn't have to protect ourselves from Muggles. Everyone's better nature would prevail. In practice, though, no one's better nature is prevailing. We still require society that is separate and hidden from those who would persecute and subjugate us for our differences."
Kay appreciated all of their opinions and told the class so. “As it currently stands, the Statute must be upheld. We are not in anyway to reveal ourselves to Muggles. Ever.’’ The last word was stressed upon. “Like all decisions made, they can be protested but must be done so peacefully. Those of you who mentioned that we should help Muggles when we can, this is right. We must but I repeat, we can never reveal our abilities to them.
''There are other reasons, aside from the ones mentioned, as to why many argue we should remain a secret: Muggles would be afraid of us and try to harm us. This was the case of Lisette de Lapin in 1422 though she managed to escape. Witch burning, persecution of wizarding children and attempts by muggles to force witches and wizards to perform magic are also included. Keep in mind that the world has evolved a great deal now and the incidents I speak of occurred a very long time ago. In addition, not all muggles thought the negative way that others would have.’’ While it would seem that Muggles were the villains, Kay would not try to hide the facts of what happened so many years ago. She was all for everyone living in harmony even if they could not reveal who they really were. “The quote on the board...’’ Kay inclined her head towards it. “Was used by the Ministry of Magic while it was in control by Voldemort during the years 1997 and 1998. Simply put, what it meant was that Muggles were inferiors to witches and wizards. The point that I’m trying to put across is that in both worlds, there will be some who want all the power or who will want the power over everyone else. Whether the Statute should be lifted will always remain a debate but it is not one that we will have.’’
Right. It was time that they move on. “Does anyone has any questions? If not, we shall move onto today’s activity.’’ OOC: We’ll get started on the activity in about 24 hours! |