Gryffindor for life Notorious Niffler
This would be interesting. Emmeline sometimes liked both of these subjects, depending on what each particular lesson was about. They could be super boring or super interesting or somewhere in the middle. She was learning all about grey areas, uh huh. But the truth was that she would have come to this lesson even if it was on the history of flobberworms in the muggle word, 'cause Professor Stewart was teaching it. Since the other Professor Stewart had become her guardian a couple weeks ago, she figured she should support anyone in her new family. Plus, Professor Newton was super nice too. "Hiii professors," she chirped as she passed them. Loads of people got smiles and waves, especially Mel, Zoryn, Miss Noelle, Miss Ava, and allll the other people she knew. Except Stasya and Miss Olivia 'cause she slid into the seat on Stasya's free side and shot both girls a grin. She was about to say hi when the sentence on the board snagged her attention and she shuddered. She was not a fan of the whole "magic is might" thing, nope. She really hoped nobody else was either, 'cause it sounded like the dumb "wizards are better than muggles" idea and that was scary.