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Old 07-21-2017, 05:25 AM   #35 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Sweden [GMT+1]
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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Stella Marie Reed
Daily Prophet News Reporter
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Text Cut: Individual replies <3

Text Cut: Sam
Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
Truth be told, Sam's brain was out here for a break from studying, and it wasn't that she'd drifted off, persay, but watching the weather rolling in closer had caught her attention much more than struggling to hear the questions and answers over the wind.

Sorry, Mr. Baldvinsson.

Flying though? That was what she was here for. To feel the (strengthening) wind in her hair, and blow away the dusty cobwebs revealed by OWLs revision. So when he'd given permission to go get a broom, that's exactly what Sam did.

Not having her own meant she had to go raid the selection of school brooms, and she pulled a couple out and assessed their tail twigs before settling on one. She had a sense that a stray twig would have more of an impact in inclement weather, affecting the streamlining. And whilst she could fly, she wasn't any expert or overly confident by any means. If she wanted to go up high, climbing rooftops was more the Ravenclaw's style.

Broom selected, she commanded it up into her left hand, and before mounting it carefully. The impervius charm was doing its job on her clothes, but she wasn't so sure about her grip on the handle. She took it carefully, before pushing up gently into the air.

Slowly to start, until she felt the way of the wind.

Haraldur watched the young Ravenclaw mount her broom and take off. Calm and collected. His eyes lingered on her for a moment more before shifting his attention to another student. It didn’t look like Miss Tyler would need his help any time soon.

Text Cut: Etta
Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
Flying in the rain wasn't going to be all that bad, yeah? She'd never done it before but.. there was always a first time for everything. Maybe she'd actually enjoy it. Who knew? She listened intently as the professor talked about the annual broom race that took place in Sweden every year. She tried to remember exactly what he said since she wasn't taking notes, occasionally glancing up at the sky. It was raining quite heavily at this point. Greeeat.

Three laps around the field? She'd had already grabbed a broom earlier.. but maybe she should actually buy one for herself at some point. Maybe. Mentally shaking that thought out of her head for now, Etta decided to cast an Impervius charm on herself before mounting the broom slowly. Her vision had improved drastically as she took off, definitely making sure that she didn't go up too high. She wasn't an expert flyer, after all and besides.. again, this was her first time flying in bad weather and it was better to not take any risks.

.. and it really wasn't all that bad. The charm she'd cast earlier was obviously working.. the girl maintained a steady pace as she flew, trying not to look down at the ground. Instead, she focused her attention on the broom, making sure she was steady and to avoid any risk of her falling off or something. Now, that would be way too tragic. Gulp. One lap over... awesome.

Just as Miss Tyler, Miss Kramer had chosen the Impervius charm to keep some off the rain off her. Haraldur watched her take flight but didn’t linger by her side, he squinted off towards some of the younger students and left the Hufflepuff prefect to warm up in peace.

Text Cut: Vivienne
Originally Posted by Kayla Taaffe View Post
Warmed his heart? Wow!

This is what Viv thought over and over. Weather was a big factor but it didn't affect her mood. The weather could be changed by a simple spell though. She needed to practice. Useless spells were a waste of time. She wanted to increase her flying skills.

The rain was natural to Viv. She thought time was a treasure to be prepared for. But she didn't want to do the broom competition. Viv raised her hand and said, "Are you referring to the competition in Sweden? If so I could practice my flying for sure!"

Haraldur smiled at the student. ”The annual broom race is quiet an experience. If you get up on your broom, you might practice enough to sign up for it once the time is right.”

Text Cut: Skylar
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Wait .... wait .... Professor Baldvinsson took part in the Broom Race!?!? Sure he was just trying to not maybe reveal his age by saying it was a long time ago, but the fact that they had someone, living proof, take part in the broom race in their midst. Skylar had questions. Lots of questions. Also, she was mentally adding that to the list of things she had to train for.

For now though, it was time to fly and the fourth year didn't need to be told twice. Kicking off into the air in the rain was actually more challenging than the flying bit, but as this wasn't her first time getting caught in the rain on a broom, the Snakette found herself quickly airborne. That thing about dancing in the rain? Totally last year, because flying in the rain surpassed all those expectations and more.

There wasn't too much of a rush to be first, so Skylar chose to fly at a slow comfortable speed, savoring the feel of the rain on her cheeks, in her hair. It was nice that as she round the pitch once, Skylar was almost wishing she could prolong her last two laps. But surely this activity wouldn't be the only one they have today, unless someone caught cold, but usually that didn't take effect immediately.

Haraldur flew swiftly past the young Slytherin, only giving her a short glance to make sure everything was alright as per usual. She didn’t need his assistance just warming up. Instead he shifted his attention to someone a little younger.

Text Cut: Zoryn
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Did she hear what she thought she heard??? TIME TO FLY!!!! Finally. No offense Mr. Bladvinsson, but Zoryn had been waiting for those words this ENTIRE time. Of course the stuff about the extreme broom race was MEGA AWESOME and Zoryn was definitely gonna sign up when she was allowed to BUUUUUUUUUUT. FLYING.

She was here for that.

Without needing to hear the instructions a second time, Zoryn jumped onto her broom and kicked off to start hovering in the air. Best. Class. EVER. And the rain wasn’t effecting her at all!!! Which meant she was gonna go as fast as her little heart could take her!!!! SUPER SPEEEEEEEEED.

OR maybe she spoke too soon.

‘Cause as soon as she started her first lap, she felt her hands getting all slippy. UH OH. She slowed down from her quick pace to wipe one hand on her robes, while holding on to the broom (for her dear life) with the other hand. And she took turns alternating this way every now and again as she flew.

Finally she got to her third lap, well behind the older kids, and focused SO hard to finish it in one piece.

Man. If only she was good at magic. An impervius charm would’ve been SUPER helpful.

Haraldur squinted his eyes to make sure the young Gryffindor made it around the pitch three times. In the beginning she was startled but after a short while, she seemed to get the hang of it. Working around the weather to complete the three laps and return safely.

Haraldur waited until all the students had landed on the now soaked pitch before he himself touched back down.

”Very good everyone, yes, very good.” He didn’t waste time talking for long. Being up in the air again proved itself much more enjoyable than being on the ground. Plus, all that talk about catching colds had him concerned. He wanted the kids flying again to get their pulse up. Not on the cold ground in wet clothes.

He quickly summoned the trunk of quidditch supplies from beside the school brooms. These were usually locked up in the broomshed but some of the students had borrowed the equipment several times that term.

”This,” He started as he grabbed one of the many bright, red quaffles. ”Is a quaffle. I want you to grab a quaffle and work in pairs, passing the quaffle back and forth between you in the air. It will get wet and it will get slippery. Let’s see how you handle an object with you up there. Try to get your quaffle through the goal hoops, if you can.” He dropped the quaffle back down into the big trunk of supplies. ”Bring the quaffle back when you’re done. And in a few minutes, I’ll release two bludgers.” He pointed to the balls made of iron that were tightly strapped down. ”I want you to avoid them to the best of your abilities. All maneuvers are permitted, kids.” Although, he’d prefer only the older more experienced flyers did the looping, ya feel? ”Grab a beater’s bat if you’re comfortable with just one hand on the handle but I’d much rather you avoid it in the air than using the bat. Remember, this is to test your ability to fly in a storm. Not the time to practice your beater skills.”

A forceful wind blew and he paused to let it pass before he continued. ”Everyone ready? Grab a quaffle!” He watched the kids approach the trunk of supplies and glanced upward into the sky again. Hopefully they would be done with the activity before it got much worse. As much as he wanted them to test their flying skills, thunderstorms was a no go.

His eyes flickered back to the kids who looked ready to be back in the air again and he raised the horn to his lips to let the horn sound that they could kick off.

OOC: Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup, it’s time for the main practical part of this lesson! You can either work in pairs or by yourself, if you prefer, for this one. The first part of the main activity is to grab a quaffle and if you’re working in pairs, throw it back and forth between each other as you fly across the pitch. Try to score it through one of the goal hoops once you reach the end of the pitch.

The second part of the activity, Haraldur will release bludgers that will fly around trying to knock you off your broom. He would like you to avoid the bludgers first and foremost but if you want, there are bats in the supplies to grab when you return your quaffle.

If your character is having major issues or is not able to wield a bat, Haraldur will direct the bludger elsewhere. AKA your character won’t get hit and spend the remainder of the term in the hospital wing. Your kids are safe. We love them <3.

There’s no minimum/maximum amount of posts.

You have a total of 60 hours to complete this practical part of the lesson and in around 36 hours, Haraldur will release the bludgers. This means the bludgers will be released on the 22nd of July at 7 pm GMT + 2 class will end on the 23rd of July at 7 pm GMT + 2.

We will be around all this time, feel free to interact with us or ask us questions. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if there’s something on your mind! <3 Have fun!
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