Team Avengers! Mischievous Niffler
Kitty beamed at the newest member in their team, a fourth year from her own house with an excellent idea for their team name. "Team Avenger? Cool. Welcome to the Avengers, Kirk." Yep, she watched Muggle superhero movies too.
As Henry went off to collect his supplies, she took a stab at planning a strategy with Kirk. "Hirsch never said we had to perform non-verbally for the game, so I think we should go all in verbally. Personally I was only able to make a few cracks doing it non-verbally, so we'll be last if we try that." Not that the Ravenclaw prefect was overly competitive, but she didn't see any reason for complicating things.
When Henry came back with the gloves and other supplies, Kitty smiled and said, "Let's try this. Hang on, I'll do the first one." She pointed her wand at an area of the rock about four feet off the ground. "Labehfactum!!!" she pronounced loudly and clearly, twirling a little more than needed for affect. The area she hit was shoved inward a good inch and a half.
She beamed. That would be a good start, and then Kirk could make the next hole for Henry.