Joint HoM and MS Lesson 3: The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy It’s the very last day in April and it was a brilliant day out. Your Professors- Newton and K Stewart- have taken the time to plan a joint lesson that they hope you will enjoy and know you will find quite useful. Though it was being held in Professor Rose’s classroom, Professor Kay was there at the door to greet all of you as you enter. Rose was sitting at her desk, waiting to say hello as well.
Go on and take a seat anywhere you like! The room was rather airy as Professor Newton had every single window open. Just don’t doze off thanks to the good weather should you choose to sit next to one. Professor Stewart would be most displeased.
What shall today’s lessons be about? Written on the board before the room is “MAGIC IS MIGHT. Or is it?’’ You may want to ponder upon this statement while you wait for things to get started. Lesson's Progression: What do you know about the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy? Some clarification Explanation of the Statute of Secrecy Tell us about Carlotta Pinkstone or your opinion about the Statute Information about Carlotta and your opinions! Activity time! Final part of the activity! OOC: Welcome, everyone! Chatter is okay but just do not go overboard. Remember to read the rules for both Professors Newton and Stewart before posting. Also keep in mind that SS rules apply! Whit will get started in 24 hours!  THE LESSON HAS STARTED!! |