DMAC & MO Doxy
Join Date: Sep 2010 Location: Sweden [GMT+1]
Posts: 5,865
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Stella Marie Reed Daily Prophet News Reporter | a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means Text Cut: Individual replies <3 Text Cut: Skylar Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Quidditch is never cancelled because of the rain. But it's cancelled because of threats, was what Skylar wanted to retort back, even though she knew Baldvinsson had nothing to do with that, which was what kept the fourth year from making commentary back at him.
Annual competition to test endurance and flying ability? "Are you talking about the annual broom race held in Sweden? 437 miles from Kopparberg to Arjeplog. I think it sounds like a challenge, but definitely not for the faint of heart, as it wouldn't necessarily to be valid for practicing one's flying. Like any marathon or game, it requires proper training and experience." And she would leave off there, even though she could have said more but figured that was enough for now...
Wait, were they were going to be mimicking the broom race? There wasn't 437 miles of pitch, not to mention it would take too long to complete, but they can do a modified version, perhaps? ”I am.” The instructor smiled and listened to what she had to say on the matter. ”I agree with you, Miss Diggory. I wouldn’t advise someone without proper experience to take on this challenge. A lot of training is indeed needed.” Hopefully none of the eager students thought the annual broom race was actually a good idea to sign up to. Text Cut: Henry Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay Henry couldn't help but to periodically glance up at the sky. Part of it was watching those dark clouds that threatened rain and wondering when it was coming and part of it was an impatient longing to get up in the air. But he was sure that was coming soon enough. Otherwise he was sure class would have been held inside like Mr. B said, which was a horrifying though to the 17 year old.
He was fairly well accustomed to flying in inclement weather too, and he knew it to be true to have to practice and be at the top of your game to fly well. All good points and advice, Mr. B.
As for the question, he thought a moment. From what he was describing, Henry thought Skylar had probably given the correct answer. But he raised his hand anyway. "I agree that you're probably meaning the annual broom race. It might be good practice for an experienced flyer, but not so much for someone just starting out." For the reasons that Skylar described, and more. "But I think a case could be made for any broom game to be good practice in one way or another. They all have their challenges. Though really, any kind of flying can be considered practice." Just like with anything, it took continued practice and dedication to be any good at it. Haraldur nodded at Henry. ”Very true, Mr. Whittebrooke.” After all, the young soon-to-be professional player would know all about this. ”Any chance to get up in the air and practise is a chance you should seize. Although, beginners might seize this chance somewhere else rather than in the annual broom race.” Text Cut: Zoryn Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack THEY WERE GONNA LEARN HOW TO FLY WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED?????? That's what Zoryn decided to hear, anyway. She also noticed that bright grin that Levi's girlfriend gave her and y'know what, maybe Zoryn would like her after all. So she returned the bright grin with one of her own. Zoryn liked her answer too.
As for the next question, Zoryn had NO idea. But she didn't want to pass on a chance to talk, so her hand shot up in the air anyway. Hopefully by the time it was her turn she'd know the answer. Except she didn't. "I forgot what I was gonna say," yeaaaaaaaaaaaah. That happened.
Okay, but when were they gonna get to FLY? WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED?
'Cause Zoryn was starting to get antsy. ”Happens to me all the time, Miss Spinnet.” Haraldur assured her, patted her once on the shoulder and hovered past. Like seriously, it happened to him way too often. Text Cut: Etta Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light Before Etta could consider answering the question, Skylar had already responded correctly and since she didn't have anything else to add.. the girl remained quiet. She considered what the professor said about players who treasure their time practicing in the rain, in preparation for what was to come. Interesting. She remained thoughtful for another few moments before raising a hand. "Professor, I don't have anything new to add here.. but I do have a question. Playing in the rain might improve one's resistance but.. one might also end up getting sick, right? I mean, it's fine once in a while but.. not very often?" You know, just a small thought. She absently stared at the sky once again, listening to the others respond. Haraldur hovered towards the prefect and nodded briskly, raindrops falling from his head as he did so. ”Very important to note, Miss Kramer. I advice all of you to change into dry clothes and enjoy a warm cup of tea after class is over.” He gave her a warm smile before continuing over to a little Gryffindor girl. Text Cut: Emmeline Quote:
Originally Posted by NifflerFan Emmeline gave the professor a BIIG grin 'cause he seemed to like her answer and told her she was right and stuff. Getting things right in flying made her super really excited 'cause it didn't happen too often outside of her best subjects. Although flying was one of the most fun ones ever, so maybe it counted as being one of everyone's best! Like by rule or something.
She grinned at Stasya and Professor B speaking that cool language 'cause her best friend was super smart like that, yup. And then the professor asked a new question and the first year's expression fell just a little. She had no idea what he was getting at, though older kids said it was a race which sounded cool. She shrugged aside thoughts of danger and getting sick and whatever, 'cause all broom sports were dangerous duh. It was always dangerous to leave the ground on a broom. Or go outside in the rain. Or eat maybe poisoned food at Hogwarts. She had perspective, you know? And that thought made her smile a little 'cause she was getting maybe better at big words.
Emmeline bounced on the balls of her feet a little. Why weren't they flying yet?? Oh, right... She raised her hand and said, "it's super important to practice flying in all weathers 'cause it won't always be sunny when you need to fly somewhere or play Quidditch and stuff." Okay, there'd been loads of answers and Emmeline hasn't really paid attention to most of them. She just wanted to help move the lesson along so they could all flyyy! ”Exactly, Miss Sparkes.” He agreed and hovered around her once. ”if you’ve practiced in all weathers then you can fly in all weathers. Preparation and practise is key, Miss Sparkes.” Text Cut: Vivian Quote:
Originally Posted by Kimothy Really? Vivian beamed at the groundskeeper and gave him a thumbs up because they totally were on the same wavelength of thinking at the moment. Nothing special, actually. The Slytherin just found it cool that they felt the same towards heat. She didn't really mind sweating, but staying under the sun usually bothered her.
Moving on to the next question, Vivian shuffled a bit. She wanted to fly around like what Professor B was doing, too. She just wanted to hop on her broom, kick off, and hover around during the class. As for the question regarding that annual competition, Vivian didn't really know what it was. But then her smart dorm mate happened to know the answer to the question and the blonde was in awe because wow. Sky was taking her OWLs studying seriously, and it wasn't even going to happen until a year from now.
A quick self reminder that Vivian should probably ask for a copy of some of Sky's class notes later... just in case.
Anyway, she raised her hand. "Professor, if we do mean the annual broom game in Sweden, my personal opinion would be that it's definitely one heck of an experience!" Vivian said enthusiastically. But as for the dangers and risks of the game, she'd have to address those too. "Perhaps the game is more ideal and made for the experienced -- maybe even professional flyers. Just that they should have stand-by healers for emergencies... and probably tighten security, too." She wondered if her Auntie Elise would survive such a game...
... but her aunt was amazing and Vivian just knew Elise would do well. Elise Fairfield was a pro on the broom! Definitely not familial bias. Please. Haraldur made a final hovering stop by the young Slytherin and nodded thoughtfully at her answers. ”I agree, Miss Fairfield. The race certainly is an experience but one should definitely be aware of the dangers that might present themselves.” As for a tighter security regulation… He was sure it was all good. Haraldur didn’t especially like rules and safety measures, that was up the Ministry. But he was a professor now, and couldn’t go around advoacting breaking rules. ”Very good, Miss Fairfield.” He nodded instead and made it up to the front of the group.” In the best of weather, his hearing wasn’t what he hoped it was. So with pouring rain that fell more heavily by the minute, it wasn’t easy to hear the young student’s answers. Which was why he hovered very cloooose to them when they spoke. Occasionally he tilted his head to put his ear up close to their faces to catch it all. Personal space was not something he took into account.
When the last student spoke their mind on the matter, he hovered to the front of the group again. His voice carrying over the sound of the rain and the wind that was starting to pick up. ”As many of you have guessed, I was thinking of the annual broom race in Sweden. A race that stretches from Kopparberg in Örebro county to Arjeplog in Norrbotten.” It was not a short journey to undertake, in what the Swedes called “risky weather conditions”. They knew nothing. ”I have taken part in the race myself back in…” He trailed off, hastily glancing at the students. 2059? 2061? He waved a dismissive hand. ”No matter. It was a long time ago. The point is, it taught me a lot on how to work around the weather. Something I thought we’d have a crash course in, today.”
Haraldur cleared his throat so that he could speak louder, he now had to struggle for his usual booming voice to reach all of the students. But he still didn’t use the amplifying charm. ”It’s time to fly, kids, and let’s start with a warm up. I want all of you to fly three laps around the pitch before landing back here again. Fly as fast or as slow as you find yourself comfortable with. Play around with the wind and rain, see how it affects your senses but be aware of your fellow students. I want to see your usual sportsmanship on the field. Those of you who don’t own or haven’t brought a broom, you may now grab one of the school brooms if you haven’t done so already.” He nodded towards the brooms lined in a rack on the side.
As some of the students made their way over there, he maneuvered himself around so that he was mounting his broom correctly. ”Careful with the landing, kids. It can be a bit slippery. Everyone mount your broom please.” He waited for the kids to do so and squinted his eyes to get a good look at each and every one of them through the pouring rain. ”Remember, it’s just weather. You’re in control of your broom. On my mark. Ready… Set…” He brought his horn up to his lips and blew a thundering sound.
As the students kicked off, he followed them up into the air to join them. Ready to intervene assist if needed. OOC: It’s finally time to fly! *wiggles* Let's get those broomsticks in the air by doing three warm up laps around the pitch. There’s no minimum/maximum amount of posts for this one.
You have 36 hours to complete this mini-practical part of the lesson. We’ll be continuing on the 21st of July at 7 am GMT + 2.
Haraldur will of course be supervising and be around to assist or answer questions so feel free to interact with us during this activity. Have fun! <3
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