Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door Kicking off soon. Okay, Daisy could do that, especially since Professor B. was getting her all hyped up. Were the others feeling it too? The soon to be seventeen year old looked around as if expecting fist pumps and salutes from her fellow students. There were none, that she could see anyway, but that was fine. Maybe they were saluting inside like she was.
Was it too much to ask to make "If you can't fly properly in the rain, then you can't really fly." the new school motto?
The Gryffindor's -- had Mr. B called her Miss Spinnet?? -- answer was .. well, hilarious and Daisy grinned brightly at her. YES, she could feel the enthusiasm there. It was always the young ones who got excited about flying. Looking up at the instructor, she raised her hand."Sir, from my experience--" as a U17 Chaser, had she mentioned that? "-- flying in the rain can be dangerous. Or, rather, more dangerous than it normally is." There really was no point in denying it; she had come to terms with that fact long ago, really. Around the time she broke her arm for the third time, to be precise. "There's the visibility issues mentioned, not aided by the fact it's usually darker when it's raining. And the water can make your broom slippery sometimes, if you don't use the proper equipment." Or the right charms. "One tiny distraction, your foot is off the foot-rest and you may very well fall down."
Not that that had ever happened to her.
Lately, anyway. |